Berry, Michael J. 2009. "Controversially executing the law: George W. Bush and the constitutional signing statement." In Congress & the Presidency, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 244-271.Berry, Michael. "Controversially Executing the Law: George W. Bush and the Constitutional Signing Statement." ...
2.Robert Gates:Amemberof the permanent establishment in Washington, Gatesraised to the third powerthe distinction of massive continuity: First as CIA director under George H.W. Bush, second as secretary of defense under George W. Bush, and third as Obama's secretary of defense. He remained f...
Again, the primary audience for this letter is Hussein himself, because in a dictatorship such as Iraq, the people themselves are deprived of such information. Brute 917 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More George W Bush 9/11 Research Paper This time his victory was clear, constitutional, ...
CDR Thomas W. Felhofer (USN-Ret.) Cecelia Sanchez Celia Dugger Celine Castronuovo Celine Dinhjanelle Census Center for American Progress Center for Gender & Refugee Studies Center for Global Development Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law Center for Immigration Law and Policy...
importance; Oregonians also want us to push back on the Bush administration’s failure to take on global warming, its attacks on the environment, its illegal domestic spying, and its mindless opposition to children’s healthcare. I also care about these issues and continue to work on them ...
The administration argued that it was not obliged to grant basic constitutional protections to the prisoners, because the base was outside U.S. territory; nor was it required to observe the Geneva Conventions regarding the treatment of prisoners of war and civilians during wartime, because the ...
The United States, along with the European Union and Arab states, will work with Palestinian leaders to create a new constitutional framework, and a working democracy for the Palestinian people. And the United States, along with others in the international community will help the Palestinians organi...
his open and flagrant disregard for law and the unwritten norms that have helped preserve and protect our resilient yet fragile system of government which depends on the constitutional separation of powers and the need for compromise in order to keep us from falling in into an authoritarian and ...
and perhaps it is building Bluffdale in anticipation that such legislation will fail, that however it is changed might not be to its liking, or because it doesn’t want to be bothered with the need to obtain warrants or with constitutional niceties such as our protection against unreasonable se...
2012. "Comparing the Constitutional Presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama: War Powers, Signing Statements, Vetoes." Presented at the Conference on Change in the White House? Comparing the Presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Hofstra University, April 19....