2004年乔治·沃克·布什(George W. Bush)在总统大选胜选后的演讲全文(英文):Thank you all. Laura and I appreciate your warm welcome, and we're grateful for the opportunity to gather here in this beautiful city at this beautiful moment in American history.Tonight, with a grateful heart, I ...
Melanie Bergermann / Markus Braun / 乔治·W· 布什 George W. Bush / Jigj... 新空军一号:空中堡垒(2021)[ 演员 ] 导演: 本·福克斯 Ben Fox 主演: 克里·约翰逊 Corey Johnson / 唐纳德·特朗普 Donald Trump 乔·拜登就职典礼(2021)[ 演员 ] ...
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April 17, 2018 The New York native was also the mother of former President George W. Bush. Read More Gun Manufacturers Can't Be Sued For Crimes Committed With Their Products? Written by: Alex Kasprak Feb. 21, 2018 There are almost no circumstances under which someone can sue a manuf...
主演:法里德·扎卡利亚 Fareed Zakaria / 罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan / 乔治·W· 布什 George W. Bush 看过 America, Invaded(2024)[ 演员 ] 导演:娜姆拉塔辛格古吉尔 Namrata Singh Gujral 主演:巴拉克·奥巴马 Barack Obama / 唐纳德·特朗普 Donald Trump / 尼克·瑟西 Nick Searcy / 乔·拜登 Joe Biden...
简介:八年的副总统“熬成婆”,乔治·H·W·布什(老布什)在里根政府时期当了八年副总统,终于在1988年的大选中获胜,成为总统。总统离任后,副总统再次参选,当选总统,这在美国历史上很少见。上一次是在第7任总统安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson 1829-1837)时期的副总
George W. Bush (redirected fromGeorge W Bush) Thesaurus Related to George W Bush:George HW Bush ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. George W. Bush- 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946) ...
His status as the most well-known owner of the Rangers and as the son of a former president gave him an advantage as he campaigned for governor of Texas. He won the 1994 election, defeating incumbent governor Aan Richards. Governor of Texas Famous for making connections, Bush used his ...
"乔治·沃克·布什(George Walker Bush),1946年7月6日出生于美国康涅狄格州。于1995年-2000年间担任第46任的得克萨斯州州长。于2001年-2009年担任美国第43任(第54届-第55届)总统,任内遭遇了2001年的9·11事件,他因此发动了一连串反恐战争。\r\n在2001年10月他发动了阿富汗战争以推翻塔利班政权并铲除基地组织...
George W. Bush - Presidency: Bush was the first Republican president to enjoy a majority in both houses of Congress since Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s. Taking advantage of his party’s strength, Bush proposed a $1.6 trillion tax-cut bill in February