Bush emerge fron the presidential election of 2000 as the nation's forty-third president? In the most immediate sense, the answer in one word is Florida. Florida was the pivotal state. Its 25 electoral votes determined the national electoral vote winner and its popular vote division was almost...
George W. Bush became president following one of the most unusual and controversial election outcomes in US history. In December 2000, after the Supreme Court halted the vote recount in Florida and delivered that state's Electoral College votes to Bush, the president-elect said in a victory ...
2000 Presidential Election George W. Bush (R) 50,456,002 Popular Votes 271 Electoral Votes Al Gore (D) 50,999,897 Popular Votes 266 Electoral Votes Ralph Nader (G) 2,822,955 Popular Votes 0 Electoral Votes 2000 Presidential Election 2000 Presidential Election 2000 Presidential Election Florida ...
I have a lot to be thankful for tonight. I'm thankful for America and thankful that we were able to resolve our electoral differences in a peaceful way. I'm thankful to the American people for the great privilege of being able to serve as your next president. I want to thank my wife...
George W.Bush 2 GeorgeW.Bush:2000VictorySpeech "Iwasnotelectedtoserveoneparty,buttoserveonenation"Delivered13December2000Thankyouall.Thankyouverymuch.Thankyou.Thankyouverymuch.Goodevening,myfellowAmericans.Iappreciatesoverymuchtheopportunitytospeakwithyoutonight.Mr.Speaker,LieutenantGovernor,friends,distinguishedguests...
George W. Bush's tenure as commander in chief began with one of the closest presidential elections in U.S. history. After a tense election night, it became apparent that the race between Bush and then-Vice President Al Gore would be decided by Florida's electoral votes. Bush appeared t...
Bush defeated Kerry with a slim majority of the electoral and popular vote, and the Republicans increased their majorities in both the House and the Senate. Social Security and immigration The major domestic initiative of Bush’s second term was his proposal to replace Social Security (the ...
U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman (1942-) of Connecticut, by a margin of 271-266 electoral votes, though Gore won the popular vote by 48.4 percent to Bush’s 47.9 percent. The 2000 election was the fourth election in U.S. history in which the winner of the electoral votes did not carry the...
In the 1988 election, he was nominated as the Republican Party’s Presidential candidate. He won with majority of the electoral votes and 53.4% of the popular vote. George H.W Bush’s Presidency On January 20, 1989, George H.W Bush took his oath as the 41st President of the United St...
In the 1988 Presidential election the Bush-Quayle ticket beat Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen soundly in the Electoral College, by 426 to 111 (Lloyd Bentsen received one vote). In the nationwide popular vote, Bush took 53.4% of the ballots cast while Dukakis gained 45.6%. Presidency (198...