作者: 戴维·卡梅伦勋爵(Lord David Cameron)正在为一家由美国前总统乔治·布什(George W Bush)的弟弟杰布·布什(Jeb Bush)创立并担任主席的私募股权公司提供咨询,这是他自去年离开政府以来的最新职位。 英国政府任命监督机构周三透露,英国前首相、最近担任外交大臣的卡梅伦已担任 Finback Investment Partners 领导力咨询...
George W. Bush's tenure as commander in chief began with one of the closest presidential elections in U.S. history. After a tense election night, it became apparent that the race between Bush and then-Vice President Al Gore would be decided by Florida's electoral votes. Bush appeared t...
However, he said that all his pain and suffering were diminished in front of his act of throwing his shoes at Bush that he greatly proud of, and diminished "in front of the suffering of thousands of Iraqis in prisons without a reason and a guilt," according to Zaidi. "Yes, the sufferi...
Bailey, Holly
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, has died Friday at the age of 94, according to a statement from his office.
WASHINGTON, May 21 (Xinhua) -- Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush has returned to his family compound in the state of Maine for the coming summer, according to his spokesman. Bush, 93, arrived at the family's summer vacation home in Kennebunkport Sunday evening, where well-wishers...
\x26quot;George H.W. Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for.\x26quot;
此次赏析的内容是经济学人文章Obituary: George H.W.Bush,其中标题及正文1段由LizhuHuang完成,2-3段由花卷完成,4-5段由Ada完成,6-7段由陈玉梅完成,最后由花卷整合。 老布什的这篇讣告难度不低,我们组的成员阅读经济学人的时间不长,此次的任务对我们来说挑战很大,但我们诚意满满,看看这秘密麻麻的手写笔记 ...
Bush was very involved with the railroad and he used to talk about fond memories he had traveling with his family on trains, local media reported. REMEMBERED BY FAMILIES AND FRIENDS Earlier on Thursday, an 80-minute funeral of George H.W. Bush was held at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in...
George H. W. Bush 身份简介: 美国第31任总统、商人 中文译名: 乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什 国籍: 美国 出生地: 美国马萨诸塞州米尔顿 出生日期: 1924年6月12日 太阳星座: 双子座 学历: 耶鲁大学文学士 专业: 主修经济学专业,辅修社会学专业 获奖经历 ...