George is the titular protagonist of the 1997 live-action film George of the Jungle and its 2003 sequel. He was the most precious cargo of a plane, which crashed between two unseen mountains (blocked by clouds), and George was separated from his parents.
Fans love the show for a plethora of reasons, and with a dynamic cast and talented showrunner (Andrea Newman), it’s easy to understand the hype.But if you zoom in a bit, looking past the general audience of casual Wednesday night viewers and focusing on the fandom, it’s hard to ...
Kim Stanley Robinson:Well, we are stuck in an international system of nation-states, and we don’t have time to invent and institute any kind of alternative world governance, so we have to use what we’ve got. But we also have the Paris agreement, and climate equity was written into it...
but history suggests that they wouldn't be anywhere near as receptive to the idea if George Lucas had come up with it first. Ever since "the Child" first appeared on the highly-acclaimed series from Disney+, the character has hosted itsown orbit of online fandom, headlining countless memes...