Based off the famous cartoon show, the heroic George of the Jungle falls in love with city lady Ursula Stanhope and must rescue his friend Ape from the fiendish Lyle Van de Groot. PlotThe film begins with an animated prologue showing George's backstory as a baby from San Francisco who ...
4 hrs ago Brock Purdy Extension Talks Highlight Tricky NFL QB Market 1 hr ago ‘Washington Post’ Cartoonist Resigns After Newspaper Rejects Cartoon Critical of Jeff Bezos 4 hrs ago
George Cukor’s 1932 pre-Code film A Bill of Divorcement would make Katharine Hepburn an instant star in her screen debut… Oct. 8, 1932 cover by Rea Irvin. … but New Yorker critic John Mosher seems to have missed the boat in spotting this new talent, who would go on to be—at le...