George of the Jungle is a 1997 live-action film released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was inspired by the 1960s animated series of the same name by the Jay Ward Studios, and starred Brendan Fraser in the title role. A sequel George of the Jungle 2 was released on VHS and DVD in 2003...
You can also see the notes to George’s album LOVE WILL COME–THE MUSIC OF VINCE GUARALDI – Vol. 2. - The official site of the documentary film THE ANATOMY OF VINCE GUARALDI, produced in 2009 and 2010 by filmmakers Andrew Thomas and Toby Gleason. This is...
You can also see the notes to George’s album LOVE WILL COME–THE MUSIC OF VINCE GUARALDI – Vol. 2. - The official site of the documentary film THE ANATOMY OF VINCE GUARALDI, produced in 2009 and 2010 by filmmakers Andrew Thomas and Toby Gleason. This is...