Lyndon Johnson called it “the worst job in government.” Spiro Agnew said he often felt he might just as well have stayed in Baltimore. Nelson Rockefeller claimed that the only change he made in his life after becoming vice president was to read the obituary page first thing every morning ...
Charles Morgan died in 2009, but after he left Birmingham he went on to lead a remarkable life, especially in his commitment to Civil Rights and Justice. The New York Times obituary noted: “Among his many cases as a civil rights lawyer, Mr. Morgan sued to desegregate his alma mater, th...
The children are Elsie (Williams) of Florida; Myrtle (Sullivan) and Fred of Wetaskiwin; Florence (Johnson) and Henry of Hautain; Conrad and Richard of B.C.; Gordon and Dorthy (Gallant) of North Carolina and Norma of Boston, Mass. Two grandchildren, Shirley Pauley and her three children ...
House of Representatives, where he cast a vote in favor of President Lyndon Johnson's program for open, nondiscriminatory federal housing. The lure of a Senate seat prompted Bush to try again in 1970. This time, Bush lost to Democrat Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Vice President George Bush raises ...