He received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for the 2005 film Syriana and will costar in the thriller film "Gravity," directed by Alfonso Cuar贸n. The author explains that Clooney enjoyed working with the director of "The Descendants," Alexander Payne. Clooney received a Best Actor...
(TV Series) - George Clooney (1 episode, 2007) George Clooney (1 episode, 2007) See fewer The Cannes Kids (九月 2, 2007) Season 4, Episode 12 - George Clooney (uncredited) George Clooney (uncredited) See fewer 1 Unscripted (2005) (TV Series) - Executive Producer (10 episodes, ...
Clooney has since starred in Ocean’s Eleven and two of its sequels, Michael Clayton, and The Descendants, among many other titles. He has won two Oscars for 2005’s Syriana and 2012’s Argo. Once dubbed one of Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors, the movie star is now married to inte...
We have seen the poster and trailer for Alexander Payne‘s latest bittersweet dramedy, “The Descendants,” but now we have our second official still image (first one can be seen here). It’s of George Clooney next to his daughter played by Shailene Woodley. The film also stars Beau Brid...
George Clooney as Governor Mike Morris. Leave your ethics at the door, please. Interns - the governor will see you later. 3 1089 The Ides of March di...Tue 01 Jul 2014, 21:00it's me The Descendants 2011George Clooney as Matt King. Hawaii. Angry daughter. Cuckolded husband. Dying...
George Clooney as Governor Mike Morris. Leave your ethics at the door, please. Interns - the governor will see you later. 3 1089 The Ides of March di...Tue 01 Jul 2014, 21:00it's me The Descendants 2011George Clooney as Matt King. Hawaii. Angry daughter. Cuckolded husband. Dying...
bird watching, Brad Bird, colin trevorrow, damon lindelof, deirdre molumby, disney, future, george clooney, graham day, hope, hugh laurie, intellectual property, jj abrams, nostalgia, objectivism, optimism, original, podcast, star wars, The 250, theme park, utopianism | Leave a comment »...
GEORGE CLOONEY: Thank you very much. CHARLIE ROSE: There are those who are saying "The Descendants" is your best performance. GEORGE CLOONEY: But they drink a lot, so it doesn't -- they don't know what they're talkin' about. (LAUGHTER) ...
George Clooney as Governor Mike Morris. Leave your ethics at the door, please. Interns - the governor will see you later. 3 1089 The Ides of March di... Tue 01 Jul 2014, 21:00 it's me The Descendants 2011 George Clooney as Matt King. Hawaii. Angry daughter. Cuckolded husband. Dying...
Ever since Clint Eastwood retired from acting, George Clooney has taken up the mantle of Hollywood’s chosen do-it-all man. His involvement with “TheIdes of March” and “The Descendants” earned him the Chairman’s Award at this year’s Palm Springs Intenational Film Festival Gala in reco...