Become a member to see contact information for George Carlin's American Dream. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast + Add Cast 108 cast members NameEpisodesKnown for Kelly Carlin Self 2 Bill & Ted Face the Music(2020) Patrick Carlin Self ...
George Carlin 是美国一位已故的喜剧家,贡献了很多非常著名的Stand up comedies。其中个人最喜欢的就是他的政治观和宗教观,每次听他的脱口秀,总能拍案叫绝。在美国待了这么些年,觉得他说的关于资本主义的种种,真的一阵见血。特此记录翻译一下他其中一个很出名的脱口秀中间的一段 - American Dream - 我非专业翻...
Russ Baker
George Carlin's American Dream: With Kelly Carlin, Patrick Carlin, Chris Rock, Patton Oswalt. Interviews with George Carlin's family and friends, material from his stand-up specials and footage from his personal archive.
1280x4607 1280x1926 1280x832 1280x840 1280x1246 1280x865 1280x832 1280x1511 1920x5314 5回应 1920x7212 2532x1170 2532x1170 2532x1170 2532x1170 2532x1170 2532x1170 Aloysius.🌈 : 诶有中文字幕版本咩?2023-01-01 09:24 格央greenn : 太赞同了2022-11-02 17:25 ...
Jonny Guns、George Carlin、George Lacava - The American Dream (feat. George Carlin & George Lacava)(Explicit) 专辑: The American Dream (feat. George Carlin & George Lacava) [Explicit] 歌手:Jonny GunsGeorge CarlinGeorge Lacava还没有歌词哦
Gorge Carlin: It's bad for ya. "There's just enough bullshit to hold things t...
乔治·卡林(George Denis Patrick Carlin,1937年5月12日-2008年6月22日),男,美国人,单口喜剧(stand-up comedy)表演者、演员、作家,曾因其喜剧专辑赢得四座格莱美奖。 卡林以其政治洞察力、黑色幽默,以及展现在语言、心理学、宗教及诸多禁忌主题观察闻名。卡林以犀利、尖锐的语言而著称。20世纪70年代,他创作了很多...
4. “That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”–George Carlin 5. “Electricity is really just organized lightning.”–George Carlin 6. “May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.”–George Carlin ...
《乔治·卡林:乔治最好的玩意儿 George Carlin: George's Best Stuff》于1996上映。是由Rocco Urbisci执导, 由乔治·卡林担任主编, 演员乔治·卡林主演的《乔治·卡林:乔治最好的玩意儿 George Carlin: George's Best Stuff》是一部喜剧类型电影。 This special video looks at George Carlin's best comedy materi...