George H. W. Bush Senior 老布什George W. Bush Junior 小布什因为一般不会用中间名字的,如布什都是George Bush,中间名不重要,一般人都不知道 H.W.代表什么.一般不会叫小布什George Bush Jr.,只叫老的George Bush Senior 了.
乔治·沃克·布什作为美国第43任总统,人们习惯称他为“小布什”。这种称呼源于美国的政治传统。在英语中,“小”(Junior)通常用来区分同姓的父子两代人,特别是当他们在同一领域获得重要成就时。布什总统的父亲乔治·H·W·布什曾担任第41任美国总统,因此小布什在继承家族政治传统的同时,也面临着公众... 10. Mr Gates and Mr Mandela are easy to admire. One hero that many AIDS activists have difficulty accepting, though, is George Bush junior. 赞美盖茨和曼德拉很容易,但是小布什是很多爱滋病活动家很难认可的一位英雄人物。 1 2 3 4 5©...
解析 George H.W.Bush Senior 老布什 George W.Bush Junior 小布什 结果一 题目 Said the ex-president george bush senior,这里讲的是老布什还是小布什? 答案 George H.W.Bush Senior 老布什 George W.Bush Junior 小布什 相关推荐 1 Said the ex-president george bush senior,这里讲的是老布什还是小布...
Related to George Bush:George W Bush,George HW Bush ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. George Bush- 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946) Dubya,Dubyuh,George W. Bush,George Walker Bush,President Bush,Pres...
Kresten Osgood、Hvad Er Klokken - Kære George Bush Junior, Du Skal Eddermame Løbe Hurtigt Hvis Du Skal Nå At Få Ryddet Op I Alt Det Lort Du Render Rundt Og Laver 专辑:Musketer Festival, Vol. I 歌手:Kresten OsgoodHvad Er Klokken ... 10. Mr Gates and Mr Mandela are easy to admire. One hero that many AIDS activists have difficulty accepting, though, is George Bush junior. 赞美盖茨和曼德拉很容易,但是小布什是很多爱滋病活动家很难认可的一位英雄人物。 1 2 3 4 5©...
更多外文名:Dubya (昵称) / Junior (昵称) / 43 (昵称) / Shrub (昵称) / W (昵称) / George Walker Bush (本名) 家庭成员:Laura Bush(妻) IMDb编号:nm0124133 职业:演员 / 编剧 / 作者 关注386人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· "乔治·沃克·布什(George Walker Bush),1946年7月6日出生于美国康涅狄...
(born November 21, 1969) nicknamed "Junior" and "the Kid", is an American former professional baseball outfielder who played 22 years in Major League Baseball (MLB). He spent most of his career with the Seattle Mariners and Cincinnati Reds, along with a short stint with the Chicago White...
Wikipedia Related to George IV:William IV,George VI,George V Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> Hanover House of Hano... Hanoverian line George George IV noun Synonyms for George IV nounKing of Great Britain and Ireland and Hanover from 1820...