On my machines I got it working via: gboeingmentioned this issueOct 4, 2018 This was referencedOct 7, 2018 gboeingmentioned this issueOct 11, 2018 lwasserchanged the titleError what using to_crs() -- no such file or directory - ONLY on windowsOct 20, 2018 ...
The cartopyCRSobjects seem to have aproj4_paramsattribute, which could be used. I don't know the exact application in which you want to do the conversion, but a small (non-sensical) toy one seems that they can be used inter-operatively using that attribute: ...
axis=1, inplace=True) shape_df = shape_df.to_crs({'init':'epsg:4326'})try: local_gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( localdf, crs={'init':'epsg:4326'}, geometry=[Point(xy)forxyinzip(localdf[lon_var], localdf[lat_var])]) local_gdf = geopandas.sjoin( local_gdf, shape_df, how=...
For example, many countries have adopted a standard projected CRS for their particular geography. There’s much more about CRS, but it’s out of the scope of this tutorial. A great resource to get additional information and practical examples is our Working with Geospatial Data in Python ...
Error: Could not Copy gdf_movements = gdf_movements.to_crs('epsg:32118') Check the distance of each point to a previous point with thegdf_movements.distance()method, sending the results to a new column. Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy ...
If they are not the same, we can change it to common SrId by- geopoints.crs = {‘init’: ‘epsg:4326’} georegions.crs = {‘init’: ‘epsg:4326’} To understand more about spatial referencing, visit https://spatialreference.org/ Once the dataframes are ready, we need to process ...
Here are the commands you will need to run if have not already installed geopandas. conda install geopandas conda install -c conda-forge descartes Geo Data Files The data we will be working with comes from the US Census and is in a common shapefile format. A shapefile actually consists of...
If you do not want to spend days and nights debugging, read this section thoroughly! Common CRS pitfalls: Mixing coordinate systems: When combining datasets, the spatial objects MUST have the same reference system. Be sure to convert everything to the same CRS. We show you how to perform ...
For example, many countries have adopted a standard projected CRS for their particular geography. There’s much more about CRS, but it’s out of the scope of this tutorial. A great resource to get additional information and practical examples is our Working with Geospatial Data in Python ...