L. (2002). Using an undergraduate geometry course to challenge pre-service teachers' notions of discourse. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 5(2), 117-152.Blanton, M. L.: Using an undergraduate geometry course to challenge pre-service teachers' no- tions of discourse. Journal of ...
This chapter presents a collection of theorems in geometry and topology, proved in the twenty-first, which are at the same time great and easy to understand. The chapter is written for undergraduate and graduate students interested in geometry and topolo
examples and exercises illustrate the course content perfectly. Precise hints for most of the exercises are provided at the end of the book. This very comprehensive text is addressed to students at upper undergraduate and Master's level to discover geometry and deepen their knowledge and understandin...
Venue: Room 82J13, Jingchunyuan 82, BICMR & Online Abstract This course is an introduction to the basic ideas in derived geometry. Derived geometry is a theory for working with non-transverse situations in geometry, which are abundant in...
丛书系列:Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics图书标签: Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models, imparts a real feeling for Euclidean and non-Euclidean (in particular, hyperbolic) geometry. Intended as a rigorous first course...
Saranya has a masters degree in Chemistry and in Secondary Education. She has taught high school, AP chemistry for 2 years and is teaching undergraduate college chemistry for 3 years. This lesson will discuss geometry and isomerism of four and six coordinate transition metal complexes. It will ...
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics (Springer, New York, 1983). 28. del Sol, A., Fujihashi, H., Amoros, D. & Nussinov, R. Residue centrality, functionally important residues, and active site shape: Analysis of enzyme and non-enzyme families. Protein Science 15, 2120–2128 (2006). 29. ...
Geometry:EuclidandBeyond(UndergraduateTextsinMathematics)withISBN978-0387986500is abookwrittenbyRobinHartshorne.Wehavethisbookavailablefordownloadtoday.Thiscanbe doneonlineusingthelinkaboveorthroughthelibrary'sstandardcatalog.We'veaddedthousandsof PDFbookstoourcollection.AllofthesearedownloadabletoeReader,yourcomputer...
Based on a course given to talented high-school students at Ohio University in 1988, this book is essentially an advanced undergraduate textbook about the ... G Edgar - Springer-Verlag, 被引量: 802发表: 2008年 Texture description and segmentation through fractal geometry Fractal geometry is recei...
and realistic input models have been added This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the book is well suited for students in computer science and engineering. Motivation is...