cIot -lcianneaarlistoy wbeithusbeednding othprtoicusctsgriamathmnousethmllrtuaaecesni.sadeaTso,muhudrisieseflyffkudoitscnehivuedroeps,uoi,ntfgnoghsarelrotnehrunsoeogswrhsoalmyfmslwetoeeatxesfstoul,udcrgrueienrssdogivnosaagvurnreiladefsabnccalseeunsotsdftwuiwnrbiftgleahilcnldneadisosn-egrhnra...
https:// Abstract: Technologies came to revolutionize the teaching of technical design; they brought resources that enabled 3D and 2D graphic simulation. The objective of this research is to understand how the implementation of the dynamic software GeoGebra on the topic...
Institutional Review Board Statement: Informed consent was obtained from each subject. This study conformed to the standards set by the latest revision of the Declaration of Helsinki and the procedure was approved by the Ethical Committee of Policlinico Umberto I, the central Hospital of the ...
Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21 Appl. Sci.T2h0e19f,l9e,x1u2r4a1l strength of SFRC decks increased with an increase in the fiber volume fraction fr1o2mof 21 0.37% to 1.0%, for all steel fiber types, which is consistent with the findings of Venkateshwaran et al. pro[1...
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st outcome in a mathLePm, aatsicaaplamrtoodf aepl pwliheodsme artehqeumiraetimcse, nistsseaernearseapsroelsveinngtemdebthyoldinteoaarchreielavteiothnesbheipstso[u2t3c]o.mBeaisned on the exaimstianthgermeasetiacarcl hm,otdheelLwPhothseeorerqyuwireams aenptpslaieredrteoprtehseenpthedot...
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