Course Page for Geometry Processing. Contribute to alecjacobson/geometry-processing-csc2520 development by creating an account on GitHub.
-- unary operator *- scale point by number /- scale point by number =- equality check <>- unequality check Vector3d Second base class, representing vector in 3D space. Constructed by three components (X, Y and Z) or from double array (with optional 'coord' parameter for local cordinate...
Laplace-Beltrami operator and its eigen decomposition, WKS, HKS, GPS signatures. Documentation Execute: doxygen Doxyfile to generate the documentation in html and LaTeX. Viewer The viewer was initially based in the viewer of The current viewer uses VAO and VBO...
All of the relationship test APIs fail with NPE when input is a geometry collection. Here are some examples: @Test public void testDisjointOnGeometryCollection() { OGCGeometry ogcGeometry = OGCGeometry.fromText("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT...
In an effort to provide an alternative from "Least-Squares Rigid Motion Using SVD" [Sorkine 2009], this derivation purposefully avoids the trace operator and its various nice properties.The point-to-point (gradient descent) rigid matching problem solves:...
When applied to the embedding function \x the Laplace operator computes the difference in position between a point and its local neighborhood. This vector points in the normal direction and its magnitude corresponds inversely with how flat the surface is locally. Let's replace the gradient feature...
qgsgeometrycollection: Remove uneeded clearCache call in operator= Browse files Indeed `QgsAbstractGeometry::operator=()` is already called. This operator calls the `clear()` method which already clears the cache and the existing geometries....
Fast PBR Viewport Render is a tool that lets you fetch curvature, AO, normal maps, transparency, matID and height from the camera youre currently looking through or directly from your viewport. It uses Blenders "Render viewport" operator which renders pr
The previousigl::gradfunction, which computed the per-triangle gradient of a per-vertex scalar function has been replaced. Nowigl::gradcomputes the linear operator (previous computed usingigl::gradMat). The gradient values can still be recovered by multiplying the operator against the scalar field...
Full documentation may be found here: Contacts Follow me on Twitter@alex_bol_ Installation npm install --save @flatten-js/core Usage import{Point,Vector,Circle,Line,Ray,Segment,Arc,Box,Polygon,Matrix,PlanarSet}from'@flatten-js/core'; ...