ge′omet′ric mean′ n. the mean ofnpositive numbers obtained by taking thenth root of the product of the numbers:The geometric mean of 6 and 24 is 12. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. ...
The geometric meanof a pair of oriented, meromorphic foliations on a Riemann surface is an unoriented foliation; the quadratic differential defining the latter is the product of the linear...doi:10.1186/s40627-018-0015-zJoel C. Langer
摘要: This memorandum presents some basic equalities and inequalities about rates of return in discrete time, without auto-correlation. The arithmetic and geometric means are discussed. Estimation of the expected payout and the median payout is discussed, including maximum likelihood estimation....
where a is the first term and r is the common ratio. 4. Identifying the Last Term: In our case, the last term b corresponds to the (n+2)-th term of the GP. Thus, we can write: b=a⋅rn+1 5. Finding the Common Ratio r: Rearranging the equation from the previous step gives...
The development of this algorithm involves a proof that the portfolio with maximum geometric mean lies on the efficient frontier in arithmetic mean variance space. This finding has major implications for the relevancy of much of portfolio and general equilibrium theory. These implications are explored....
Thus, we have:0+1+2+…+n=n(n+1)2 Step 5: Substitute the sum back into the GM formulaNow substituting the sum into the GM formula gives:GM=2(n(n+1)2)⋅1n=2(n+1)2 Final ResultThus, the geometric mean of the series 1,2,4,8,16,…,2n is:2n+12 Show More ...
Let pn denote the n-th prime number and let Gn be the geometric mean of the first n primes. It is well-known that Gn/pn → 1/e as n →∞, where e is the Euler's number. The aim of this note is to give various proofs of this fact, equivalent establishments and generalizations....
This geometric features can be detected using geometrical surveys but, in many studies, a simplified geometry and a mean wall thickness were considered as an acceptable approximation [62,74], whereas inaccuracies due to oversimplifications in the geometrical features (e.g. columns, barrel vaults, ...
In finance and investing, one might use the arithmetic mean to get an idea of the average earnings estimate for a series of estimates issued by a number of analysts covering a stock. Simply add up the various estimates and divide by the number of estimates. Or, the arithmetic mean could b...
G. Crawford, The geometric mean procedure for estimating the scale of judgement matrix, Math. Model. 9 ( 1987) 327- 334. 121 Z. Duszak and W.W. Koczkodaj, The generalization of a new definition of consistency for pairwise comparisons, Inform. Process. Lett. 52 ( 1994) 273-276. 131...