ge′omet′ric mean′ n. the mean ofnpositive numbers obtained by taking thenth root of the product of the numbers:The geometric mean of 6 and 24 is 12. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. ...
The paper is thus an excellent self-contained tutorial on the theory of the arithmetic-geometric mean, quadratically convergent algorithms (including Newton's algorithm for computing square roots and roots of polynomials), and how these concepts lead to fast algorithms for π and elementary functions...
Geometric Mean or Geometric Average: Harmonic Mean: Quadratic Mean: Relations Between the Means of Two Positive Values: 3 不等式 3.1 Pure Inequalities Inequalities: Solution of Inequalities:与等式类似,不等式可以包含未知量,通常用字母表的最后一个字母表示。不等式或不等式系统的求解意味着确定未知数的极限...
Formulas are derived, by direct integration of the defining definite integrals, for the general geometric mean distance between (i) a point and a line segment; (ii) a point and a rectangular area; (iii) two parallel line segments; (iv) two orthogonal line segments; (v) a line segment an...
Let pn denote the n-th prime number and let Gn be the geometric mean of the first n primes. It is well-known that Gn/pn → 1/e as n →∞, where e is the Euler's number. The aim of this note is to give various proofs of this fact, equivalent establishments and generalizations....
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Keywords Mean curvature curvature differential equation linear optimization manifold Search within this book Search Table of contents (6 chapters) Front Matter Pages I-XIV Download chapter PDF Two-...
The development of this algorithm involves a proof that the portfolio with maximum geometric mean lies on the efficient frontier in arithmetic mean variance space. This finding has major implications for the relevancy of much of portfolio and general equilibrium theory. These implications are explored....
Sample meanDot plotEmpirical cumulative distribution functionHistogramCumulative histogramSummary The sample mean is sometimes depicted as a fulcrum placed under the Dot plot. We provide an alternative geometric visualization of the sample mean using the empirical cumulative distribution function or the ...
A is given in mm2, P, L, and W in mm. The mean values marked with the same superscript letter in each column do not differ significantly at p < 0.05 (Scheffé’s test). Standard deviation values are given in parentheses. The second row of each cell shows minimum/maximum values for ...
A geometric mean is the root of the product of any number of values and considers compounding. The arithmetic mean can be used to evaluate data, but it doesn't consider compounding. A geometric mean helps you evaluate investment returns based on the number of periods you've held it and how...