Abstract: New geological highway map of Nova ScotiaC. WhiteH. DonohoeB. FisherR. RaesideK. SilversteinD. Skilliter
Map of the topography and bathymetry of the Ryukyu Island Arc and its surroundings. A Aguni Jima, KG Kerama gap, MS Mikako saddle, OMSP Okinawa–Miyako submarine plateau. The red triangle indicates the location of MITI Miyakojima-Oki well. The map was prepared using Generic Mapping Tools (...
Attribute error and sensitivity analysis of map operations in geographical informations systems: suitability analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information System, 4(4), 413-428 [58] Majumdar, S., Chatterjee, U., 2021. Modelling urban growth using Urban growth deterministic model in ...
Yinkeng map-sheet / Mineral geological map dataset / Au-Ag multi-metal ore / 1:50 000 1. 引言 赣南地区素有“世界钨都”、“稀土王国”的美誉,一直以来,以特有的石英脉型钨矿和风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿为其找矿重点。江西于都银坑−宁都青塘矿集区是赣南成矿地质条件较为特殊的区域,位于南岭成...
Keywords: geological maps; map generalization; constraint-based methods; size constraints; generalization operators 1. Introduction The majority of the research conducted on the automation of map generalization has thus far been dedicated to topographic maps, with a focus on the generalization of roads,...
TouchR and RSenter are designed to extract terms from unstructured data sources (specifically, NoSQL databases) and are focused on the document-append style of NoSQL storage [17,18,19]. MapReduce is widely used to improve the performance of systems for large-scale data analyses and various ...
Fig. 2. Geological sketch map of the southern Jilin province (modified after Pei et al., 2011a). LC: Longgang Complex; SJ: Southern Jilin Province. The Nancha gold deposit, located in the central part of southern Jilin Province (Fig. 2), has an estimated reserve of 20 t Au. Since ...
并用这些数据构建了高精度DEM模型和数字正射影像图(Digital Orthophoto Map, DOM), 利用专家经验和计算机自动识别技术, 对九寨沟的地质灾害隐患进行了早期的识别与分析, 为震后危险区域的实时监测提供了重要的手段[75]. (2) 地面沉降方面. 2015年, 陈梦雪等利用机载LiDAR获取了钱塘江北岸海塘的数据, 再利用车载...
Geological map of the Koh-i-Dalil Quadrangle 30K/4 (1:50,000) Chagai district, Balochistan, Pakistan. Geological Survey of Pakistan Publication Directorate; 1981.Search in Google Scholar [19] Nagell RH. Reconnaissance of the geology and ore mineralization in part of the Chagai district. 75–...
Geological map of bedrock 1 : 5000 1 The earth’s surface Pillar contrast map of ore bed 1 : 5000 2 1000 Borehole bar diagram 1 : 200 147 70~1030 Geological prospecting section 1 : 2000 21 1000~1200 CSAMT comprehensive interpretation profile 1 : 10000 12 2000 Midd...