Rock formations are readily observed in steep faces, such as cliffs, canyons, and mountainsides, in a kind of natural cross-section. It is perhaps for this reason that cross-sections seem more immediately familiar than geological maps, and give a more striking picture of the arrangement of ...
Cross-sections can be made in minutes displaying almost any data the user chooses. A montage can then be created to present a more accurate interpretation as the capstone of your evaluation. NeuraSection will allow you to more quickly and accurately interpret and display all available geological ...
KINKFOLD is an AutoLISP program designed to construct geological cross-sections from borehole image or dip meter logs. The program uses the kink-fold method for cross-section construction. Beds are folded around hinge lines as angle bisectors so that bedding thickness remains unchanged. KINKFOLD ma...
4.2.3. The growth of calcite veins The growth of bedding calcite veins is complex, generally explained by two mechanisms. One is crack-seal mechanism[11], and the other is the force of crystallization[13,36]. Crack-seal mechanism is of great significance for explaining the stretched calcite ...
For example, mountain ranges provide an elevational limit to dispersal and large bodies of water may be perceived as too risky or energetically costly to cross. Barriers can also be climate related (for example, large arid regions) or occur at microgeographic scales (for example, habitat ...
Geological map and cross-sections of the Ryukyu Group on southern Okinawa Jima (after Sagae et al. 2012). Geological map: Ar Aragusuku, M Maehira, U Uezato, Y Yamagusuku, YD Yoza-dake. Index map in the left panel: M Maeda, N Nishihara Full size image Ogasawara and Masuda (1983) ...
Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Results and discussion Conclusions Methods Data availability Code availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary information Rights and permissions About this article This article is cited by Advertisement...
The multi-scenario association strategy was applied on fault evidence extracted along three to six cross sections (see Figure 5 and Godefroy & Caumon, 2020). The availability of a trustworthy reference fault network model allows us to study the proposed stochastic interpretation methodology using a ...
Three hydrothermal stages have been identified in the Nancha deposit on the basis of field evidence, mineralogical assemblages, textures, and cross-cutting relationships observed in hand specimens and thin sections. The hydrothermal ore-forming processes occurred during an early quartz–pyrite stage (sta...
ocean floor, strongly similar to that occurring in the present-day oceanic domains. Planned geodiffusion actions include concepts and design of a number of geological paths along the most interesting and representative cross sections, mostly devoted to showing features of the palaeo-ocean floor. In ...