Looking for a fast, simple way to convert your vector GIS files that is 100% completely free? If so, you found the correct website! Kmz2Shp allows you to easily convert between the most popular geospatial file formats with the click of a button. Kmz2Shp converts zipped shapefile (SHP)...
C#将shapefile转换为geojson—通过GDAL C#将shapefile转换为geojson—通过GDAL 最近项⽬上,后台需要将数据处理的结果返回geojson数据的格式,⾃⼰写的拼接geojson⽅法始终存在问题。⾯太复杂,各种内环外环,⾯的相交等,⽆法完美解析,就采⽤这个办法,直接通过gdal,将结果转换为geojson,再返回,⽤别...
This project allows a user to load Shapefiles and DBFs into the browser with JavaScript. Outputs as GeoJSON for use with other Mapping APIs such as OpenLayers.Inspired by the excellent work by Tom Carden (http://github.com/RandomEtc/shapefile-js/).Overview...
两种解决方案: 一、将整个shapefile转为GeoJSON然后直接导入mongoDB数据库中 首先,将shapefile数据...
ESRI Shapefile Technical Description - PDF dBase (Xbase) File Format Description Future I plan to implement (time permitting) some custom renderers like SVG or Canvas (besides using OpenLayers) to improve the speed. Feel free to hack at this, submit bugs, pull requests, and make it better....
china-latest-free.shp-landuse.zip 文件为全国最新土地利用数据,shp格式,解压后可利用arcgis、qgis打开,获取于openstreetmap 上传者:weixin_42461914时间:2020-03-27 shapefile-js:将 Shapefile 转换为 GeoJSON。 没有多少警告 形状文件.js 如果您在 Internet Explorer 中遇到编码问题,请也包含。 在现代 JS 中重做...
Most full-featured GIS editors will be able to perform this conversion. QGIS is a free alternative that supports both Shapefile, KML, and a number of other formats. See this demo for an example of how to load polygonal data from a GeoJSON file, and this demo for a more complex example...
Download free shapefileof various countries. Create yourown shapefileandshare with your clients or embed on your website.
GeoJSON.iois a GitHub project-based website designed for online map annotation. You can add various geographic shapes in the embedded map and it will generate JSON data for your annotation. You can export the data in various geographic data formats, such as KML, Shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV, and...
Contact us to request the data in other GIS file formats (e.g., shapefile, KML, KMZ, GeoJSON). Price: $795 Single User License* Buy Now Data Fields Included: Includes 620 fields of demographic data from the 2020 Census: Total PersonsUrban PopulationRural PopulationWhite aloneBlack or ...