🌏 A repo to create simplified GeoJSON regions so we can display map-based visualisations without having to load tiles all over the place. geojson-maps.ash.ms/ Resources Readme License Unlicense license Activity Stars 417 stars Watchers 28 watching Forks 257 forks Report repository...
Gets an object that maps the name of a crs to a callback function which takes a GeoJSON coordinate and transforms it into a WGS84 Earth-fixed Cartesian. Older versions of GeoJSON which supported the EPSG type can be added to this list as well, by specifying the complete EPSG name, for...
Additional Core Styles (basemaps) Switching betweenglobeand mercator projections Persistence of basemap and projection settings across sessions A copy button in the code editor Is this my job? Yes it is. I’m leading our new Developer Relations program at Mapbox, with a mission toinspire and eq...
# 需要导入模块: import geojson [as 别名]# 或者: from geojson importdump[as 别名]defdirectionscall(google_key, stop, origin, dest, waypoints, fname):print"getting dirs..."base ='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?'params = urllib.urlencode({'origin': origin,'destination...