geoip_country_name_by_name— 获取国家的全称说明 geoip_country_name_by_name(string $hostname): string geoip_country_name_by_name() 函数返回主机或者 IP 地址所对应的国家名全称。 参数 hostname 定位所用的主机或者 IP 地址。 返回值 成功,返回国家全称,如果在数据库中未找到相关信息则返回 false。
这样就配置好了nginx,并且通过GeoIP限制了国家和城市的访问,并且支持白名单。 原文链接:
post_request: <function PostRequest.post_request at 0x7fda10544598> forwarded_allow_ips: [''] worker_exit: <function WorkerExit.worker_exit at 0x7fda10544730> worker_tmp_dir: None tmp_upload_dir: None secure_scheme_headers: {'X-FORWARDED-SSL': 'on', 'X-FORWARDED-PROTO': 'htt...
上面的配置中我们定义了三个变量$geoip_country_name$geoip_province_name$geoip_city_name分别用于存储客户端的国家、省份和城市信息,如果获取不到信息则默认值为unknown,IP 地址的来源是$http_x_real_ip;字段路径分别是country iso_codesubdivisions 0 iso_codecity names en,大多数情况下路径无需修改,但如果需...
# waf/blocker.conf 该文件为实施访问控制指令,在需要限制的location下include引用即生效 ...
After checking out the repo, runbin/setupto install dependencies. Then, runrake specto run the tests. You can also runbin/consolefor an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, runbundle exec rake install. To release a new version,...
protected $ipToCountryRepository; public function __construct( \Magefan\GeoIp\Model\IpToCountryRepository $ipToCountryRepository, ...//other code ) { $this->ipToCountryRepository = $ipToCountryRepository; ...//other code } public function example() { $visitorCountyCode = $this->ipToCountry...
stream{...geoip2/etc/maxmind-country.mmdb{auto_reload 5m;$geoip2_data_country_codedefault=USsource=$remote_addr country iso_code;}...} 参数说明: auto_reload <interval>: 启用自动重新加载将使 nginx 以指定的时间间隔检查数据库的修改时间,如果发生更改则重新加载。
Its not working for Opencart when i try to install from admin it says error : "the directory country_currency.php is not allowed to be written to!" qphoria 3 years ago It works, but you can't install with ocmod because it won't allow uploading files to the root. Just extra...
Stop. *** Nginx Patch Time - 1 seconds delay to allow you to patch files *** NGX_DYNAMICCHECK nginx_configure /svr-setup grep: /svr-setup/nginx-1.9.12/auto/options: No such file or directory tar (child): /svr-setup/nginx-develkit_v0.3.0rc1.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file o...