This app is about an interactive map about US geography. Can study the different features of the country. Also a new Quiz mode to test your knowledge * Rivers…
Learn the names of the major cities in the United States of America with our cities of the USA quiz. You can see if you know the names of the provinces, territories and major cities of Canada with our Canada geography quiz. You can find many more fun games on the main geography games...
What country is Rome the capital of? Italy Nigeria Brazil USA 8/15 What continent is Algeria in? Europe Africa Asia South America North America Australasia Antarctica 9/15 Who’s flag shows a red maple leaf? Austria Poland Canada Switzerland 10/15 Who's flag...
oats, soybeans, cattle, milk, and calves. The state harvests so much corn that it has been called the "Corn State" and "the land where tall corn grows." Because corn is one of the main ingredients in hog feed, Iowa leads the country in hog production, raising about a quarter of the...
United States - National Geographic Kids Geography of the United States - Wikipedia Geography of the United States of America - ThoughtCo Test your geography knowledge - USA: states quiz | Lizard Geography of the United States - Homepage | USCISUnited...
了解在一个有趣的游戏的名称和美国50个州的地理。本场比赛是很容易发挥,帮助孩子正确认识状态,并使其完美的孩子和成人的学习和记忆所有50个州。 特征: - 在每一次随机抽题玩 - 美国50个州图片 立即下载并享受! Cronologia aggiornamenti 13 lug 2016
USA Geography : Louisiana's Geography Quiz Quiz *Theme/Title: Louisiana's Geography * Description/Instructions Louisiana is a state that can be found in the southern region of the United States. It is about 380 miles long and 130 miles wide. Louisiana is the 31st largest of the 50 states...
The Mississippi River is the second-longest river in the United States; the longest is the Missouri River, which flows into the Mississippi. Taken together, they form the largest river system in North America. If measured from the head of the Missouri, the length of the Missouri/Mississippi ...
USA Geography : Geography of Maine Quiz Quiz *Theme/Title: Geography of Maine * Description/Instructions Maine is a state located in the northeast region of the United States. It is a popular vacation spot because of its scenic seacoast, beaches, lakes, mountains, and resorts. Take this ...
Don't forget to take our geography quiz on the tallest, longest, largest ... check your knowledge of geographical facts! If you get stuck, we hope the images provided will help you with your answers. Take the quiz, scroll slowly down the page and read the hints under the images if you...