Topic Eye GCSE Geography: Dynamic CitiesDiver, Fiona
Topic Eye GCSE GeographyThe article reviews the periodical "Topic Eye GCSE Geography's" two issues titled "Challenging Coasts," and "Dynamic Cities."Diver, FionaTeaching Geography
•Counts25%towardsthefinalGCSEqualification •AvailableinJuneonly. Whatkindsoftopicswillfeature? •EachDMEwillbeonadifferentgeographicaltopic,at varyingscalese.g.Antarctica(continentalscale), Grampound(localvillage),Australia(national)and Scotland(regional). ...
Finally, in England, understanding “the interrelations between geographical phenomena at different scales and in different contexts” is presented as equivalent to thinking “like a geographer” and is a requirement for passing the GCSE exams at the end of secondary school [27] (p. 3). Thus, ...