16. The official languages of Fiji are English, Fijian Hindi andiTaukei. IniTaukei"bula" means "hello" and "vinaka" means "thank you". 17. Over 99% of the population over 15 years can read and write. And Fiji is one of the most developed economies in the Pacific Ocean. Flying over ...
(E)Hindi.NOTcorrect? 22.Historically,theworld’smajorlanguageshave(A)Canada’sfirstmajormigrationcamefrom spreadbyallofthefollowingmethodsEXCEPTFrance. (B)Canada’ssecondmajormigrationstream (A)Sanskritrecords. originatedintheBritishIsles. (B)migration. (C)Canada’sthirdmajormigrationstream (C)trade. cam...
This system has been developed and deployed over the past century by “security services;” including the Soviet Cheka and KGB, the East German Stasi police, MI6/CIA/NATO’s Operation Gladio and “Stay Behind Armies” in post-WWII Western Europe, and in the FBI and CIA’s COINTELPRO (“...