TasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia [1] The zone South Eastern Australia incorporates the whole of the states of NSW, Vic. and Tas. and only part of Qld and SA. [2] Murray Darling and Swan Hill are contained within the zones of Big Rivers (NSW) and North West Victoria (Vic.). [3] The...
A. Smithies (Tasmania and Oxford), to Columbia University, in economics. The following have been appointed to Fellowships tenable by candidates holding appointments in government service overseas: Mr. D. W. Dodwell (Indian Civil Service), to Columbia University, in economics; Mr. C. J. ...
14, 1642.-Tasmania and New Zealand An expedition in charge of Abel J anszoon Tasman, with F. J. Visscher as pilot-major, sailed from Batavia in Java to explore the South Indian Ocean. Both men were experienced navigators and this certainly contributed to the succ:ess of the voyage. ...
(2009). Belonging as a resource: The case of ralphs bay, tasmania and the politics of place. Environment and Place A, 41, 796–810. Article Google Scholar Symons, J. (1962). The Detective Story in Britain. The British Council. Google Scholar Terlouw, K. (2012). From thick to ...
consideration of social dimensions, and climate change are pervasive throughout the planning process. There is an urgent need to develop more flexible and accurate spatial modelling tools, as well as more efficient participatory methods, and to focus on the holistic nature of the land-sea system ...