Lots of brachiopods which include 18 genera and 23 species were discovered in Zhesi Formation, Wulejitu section, Bolgensume, Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia.The brachiopod community is mainly composed of Productida and Spiriferida, which show typical Zhesi fauna characteristics.It can be divided into two...
South Asia is the area usually considered to include India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. A landform is any natural feature of the Earth's surface. This includes mountains, valleys or canyons, lakes, coasts, and rivers. South Asia contains part of the la...
Second,Ronak Kapadia‘sInsurgent Aesthetics:Security and the Queer Life of the Forever War(also October): InInsurgent AestheticsRonak K. Kapadia theorizes the world-making power of contemporary art responses to U.S. militarism in the Greater Middle East. He traces how new forms of remote killing...
Physical boundariesare boundaries created by natural geographical features such as rivers, oceans, and mountains. Lesson Quiz Course 16Kviews Macrogeographic Regions and Subregions Macrogeographic regions, as you might guess by the name, are large. They consist of five main geographical regions and app...
One of the most widely variable geographical features, known for being some of the driest places on Earth, are deserts. Deserts can generally be classified by the amount of precipitation that falls, which is less than 10 inches per year. This creates a harsh, arid climate that most plants ...
It goes beyond mapping features. Some major examples of spatial analysis techniques are overlay analysis, proximity analysis, spatial interpolation, network analysis, and hot spot analysis. Statement of the problem The application of spatial analysis in health research traced back to 1854, when John ...
The other middle-ground model that is "moderate-endemicity" believes that most but not all of the microbes may be cosmopolitan in distribution due to low transportability, tolerance, and adapt- ability (Foissner, 2007). This model has unique features and behaves differently from other models ...
To address our questions, we modeled and assessed the effects on mosquito occurrence and abundance of mean temperature, precipitation, distance to the nearest anthropogenic features (e.g., residential, farmland), and two-time lags for precipitation (one and two months prior to the sampling events...
Time and space are the two fundamental conditions for the existence and development of all elements on earth (Zhang et al., 2022). Therefore, in spatio-temporal knowledge modeling, the precise representation of spatial and temporal features is crucial. Following the organizational approach to knowled...
The study of shade and shaded spaces has attracted growing interest in a number of disciplines. Although geographic studies specifically focused on this su