Syria’s civil war has multiple origins, but one of the most incendiary incidents took place on 16 February 2011 in the city of Dara’a 80 km south of Damascus near the Jordanian border. Inspired by the spread of the Arab uprisings east across the Maghreb from Tunisia, and the threat th...
My plan is to finish two major essays in the next couple of months, one on “Woundscapes of the Western Front” and the other the long-form version of myAntipodeLecture on “Trauma Geographies” (see alsohere). Both have involved close readings of multiple personal accounts of the journeys...
This data gap hinders understanding the impact of territorial divisions. Additionally, a longer study period might reveal greater differences, potentially influenced by the 2006 Ten-Year Education Plan. However, we chose not to extend the analysis before 2014, ensuring inclusion of Galápagos and ...
Moreover, migrant investments may reproduce, or even exacerbate social inequalities and divisions in countries of origin, not least if they are based on persistent social and cultural obligations. Yet, the notion of friction is not to be understood in a negative manner only. Frictions can also ...
North Africa in the Second – more on that later. In the letters and diaries written from Belgium and France I found many, scattered references to the presence of non-Caucasian troops, especially from North Africa and India; as I’ve noted before, it was notall white on the Western Front...
That left Douma, where an uneasy truce lasted for ten days – broken by intermittent air strikes – whileJaish al-Islam(JAI) negotiated terms. These were complicated by divisions within JAI. Some of its members wanted to fight on, while others wanted to leave with their families but refused...
the young Gabriel Cobb – sent to seize German East Africa defended by the localSchutztruppenunder German command. But as I travelled back to the Western Front the colonial troops who also served there slipped from the record. Yet by the end of September 1914 two Indian divisions and a caval...
“Eleven battalions of IDF artillery is equivalent to the artillery we deploy to support two divisions of U.S. infantry,” a senior Pentagon officer with access to the daily briefings said. “That’s a massive amount of firepower, and it’s absolutely deadly.” Another officer, a retired ar...
conducted with childhood stunting as the outcome variable to investigate the impact of maternal stunting status on their children’s stunting compared to geographical location. Our results indicated that in comparison to other divisions, the frequency of stunting among children and adolescent mothers was...
Furthermore, public health policy development can be aided by knowledge of illness distribution at the national level [27]. Sohini Dudhat et al. conducted a spatiotemporal study of marine mammal stranding event data off the coast of India using maps in conjunction with other analytical techniques....