A detailed description of mountain boundaries is needed. In general, a water parting (or watershed in U.K. usage) is by no means always a barrier, along a line of hills or mountains, or even visible. Its chief virtues as a political boundary are that it is precise and that it separate...
Social barrierKuppuswamy scaleBiliary atresia (BA) is a critical pediatric condition requiring timely intervention through Kasai portoenterostomy (KPE), and up to two-thirds of patients need liver transplantation (LT). The outcomes for BA patients still need improvement in low- and middle-income ...
Health is a fundamental right intricately linked to geographical factors, as evidenced in the health geography literature. The application of geographical information systems (GISs) plays a pivotal role in mapping diseases and evaluating healthcare acces
aThe physical or geographical border, or the frontier, which is our concern, here refers to the juridical boundary, a barrier by which criteria of nationality are defined. Thus borders appear as identitary markers, exclusive and inclusive at the same time, but also lines of demarcation that san...
and affordable essential medicines and vaccines by 2030. Accessibility to healthcare providers is an important parameter that reveals how much distance have to travel for healthcare. Greater distance from healthcare centres is a natural barrier to seeking treatment. Many studies retrieved for review ha...
(IEDs) and indirect fire from rockets and mortars. Miniature concrete barriers were given out by senior leaders as gifts to represent entire tours. By the end my deployment, I could tell you how much each concrete barrier weighed. How much each barrier cost. What crane was needed to lift ...
Through the Crosshairs traces the genealogy of this weapon’s-eye view across a wide range of genres, including news reports, military public relations images, action movies, video games, and social media posts. As he tracks how gun-camera footage has spilled from the battlefield onto the scre...
Cheese producers took the opportunity that the PDO label gave them, and the PDO provided the context in which cheese production became an effective barrier against the degradation of the rural system. However, nowadays the intensification of livestock management practices constitutes the main threat to...
Hundreds of antimicrobial peptides create a selective barrier for insect gut symbionts. preprint. Microbiology; 2023. Giraud C, Callac N, Beauvais M, Mailliez J-R, Ansquer D, Selmaoui-Folcher N, et al. Potential lineage transmission within the active microbiota of the eggs and the nauplii ...
critiques of the U.S. security state that visualize subjugated histories of U.S. militarism and make palpable what he terms “the sensorial life of empire.” In this way, these artists forge new aesthetic and social alliances that sustain critical opposition to the global war machine and ...