The results show that geographic "isolation by distance" does indeed explain the distribution of beadwork attributes among these ethnolinguistically diverse tribes, with no equivalent statistical effect for language patterns. In turn, these results highlight the role of specific processes operating among...
(the so-called rule of island impoverishment) and a greater number of endemic species, which is the result of speciation during geographical isolation. In general, the farther an island is from a continent, the more endemic species there are and the higher their taxonomic position. In the ...
In contrast, since the first wave of COVID-19 in early 2020, China has adopted a "zero COVID″ policy, implementing a series of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), including contact tracing and isolation, strict border control, and massive testing. From 21 Feb to 17 March 2020, the ...
Thus, while both species are rare and present indicators of asexual reproduction, the increased geographic isolation in L. sp. Parker Range may lead to a greater contribution of asexual reproduc- tion as a result of limited effective gene exchange among isolated populations. The aim of this ...
Genetic isolation and divergence in sexual traits: evidence for the northern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi being a sibling species The taxonomic status of populations of rockhopper penguins ( Eudyptes chrysocome ) is still enigmatic. Northern populations differ from southern ones in br... P Jouv...
The short period of isolation since the last glacial period is seemingly not long enough to differentiate the populations of different mountain ranges and has resulted in the sharing of ancestral genetic polymorphisms. Occasional seed dispersal and random drift in small populations may be other factors...
Hard allopatry is caused by physical barriers promoting divergence as a function of consistent geographic isolation. Soft allopatry is caused by ecological processes that isolate populations geographically in allopatric refugia through niche conservatism, or across ecological transition zones through niche ...
Given that about half of all flowering plants are polyploid, this form of speciation may have played a large role in their formation. Hybridization between two species, followed by rapid changes in the hybrid to enhance reproductive isolation from the parents has been held up as a form of ...
(the communities and populations, as we have shown, same isolation procedure was used throughout), the that these may, in part, contribute to the distinctive- replicate estimates from regions allow us to make ness of wines deriving from that area: that is, there is statistically meaningful ...
Although these results indicate that latitude may predict genetic diversity, latitude may be reflective of other processes including isolation and post-glacial colonization patterns for this species. Our inclusion of populations from Washington and Oregon provided critical insights into genetic patterns; in...