As such, one might expect animals living in forest shade to show shifts to shorter wavelengths in their visual pigment sensitivity in response to the ambient light, and this is the shift we observe in the LWS and MWS cones, and the rods of P. e. elegans when compared to P. e. flav...
Thus, the logical extension have missed some proportion of these communities, of this is that if different regions harbour different because this would have been a systematic bias (the communities and populations, as we have shown, same isolation procedure was used throughout), the that these ...
“You might think, ‘Oh, it’s just another dead duck,’” says Scofield, “but it’s an important step in building up a picture of how the animals and plants living on this ancient lake changed over time.” The third new bird, Aegotheles zealandivetus, is part of the owlet-...
a range of paternally and bi-paren- tally inherited markers, in addition to maternally inherited marker, are clearly necessary to complete the understanding of possible proximate and ultimate factors that determine and influence the dispersal of males and females in these rather cryptic animals. Especi...
increasing the rate of adaptive evolution. On the other hand, this probability decreases as the strength of gene flow increases. Consequently, the minimum area for speciation to occur is larger for species with higher rates of gene flow. This pattern holds for many groups of plants and animals...
Variation in wavelength sensitivity among subspecies is unknown among vertebrates. The parrot Platycercus elegans has extreme plumage variation between subspecies ranging from pale yellow to crimson which, with differences in background colour and light
“universal” DNA barcodes have been implemented to help identify taxa in broad phylogenetic categories such as bacteria/archaea, fungi, and animals. Universal barcodes can also be used to analyze mixed samples, termed DNA metabarcoding. Plant DNA metabarcoding is challenged by the lack of truly ...
One of the most emblematic examples of the adaptive role of chromosomal polymorphisms comes fromDrosophila subobscura, a species presenting repeatable clinal patterns for inversion frequencies across Europe, the ancestral area, and North and South America [3]. Thermal adaptation or associated factors migh...
For instance, in a global analysis, species that reproduce socially were more vulnerable to isolation and pesticide use than solitary species, but were less sensitive to tillage and agricultural intensity than solitary species20; however, bees that reproduce solitarily are more common in temperate ...
Genome duplication, or polyploidization, is common in plants, and has been shown to result in rapid reproductive isolation [30, 72–75]. In diatoms, few studies have examined changes in DNA content. Genome size differences of two-fold have been observed among ITS1 lineages of the diatom D....