distribution: n. 1.分配,分发,配给;分配装置[系统];配给品;配 ... 例句与用法 1. The geographic distribution of lung cancer was dissimilar to that of industrialization .肺癌的地理分布同工业化的分布不尽相同。 2. The study of the geographic distribution of organisms生物地理学研究有机体地理分布的学...
In this book (p. 422) it was emphasized that temperature is only one of many factors upon which the geographic distribution of organisms depends. This is especially true of warm-blooded animals, whose homeothermy has made them independent, to a certain degree, of external temperature influences...
biological science, biology - the science that studies living organisms nonterritorial - not displaying territoriality; "a nonterritorial species" 3. territorial - belonging to the territory of any state or ruler; "territorial rights" exterritorial, extraterritorial - outside territorial limits or juris...
The geographic distribution ofliving thingsis the natural arrangement of the organisms including plants, animals, and others in appropriatehabitatson Earth through geological time. Somespeciesare widely distributed all over the world, however, some are restricted to specific habitats such as a continent...
Ecology is that branch of biology which deals with the relationship between organisms and their environment. In this article I will discuss adverse reactions of man to members of the plant and the animal kingdoms of the land and the sea. The human skin, in its protective function and reaction...
biogeography; community ecology; yeast; population structure; Saccharomyces cerevisiae Introduction Characterising the distribution of organisms in space and time, and describing the processes that govern these patterns, is central to an integrated description of the natural world (Cox and Moore, 1993). ...
Those who explore the planet come to cherish it, and those who cherish the planet want to protect it. In that spirit, National Geographic and Rolex have formed a new partnership to promote exploration and conservation.
The expression "suitable environment for transmission" implies other constraints, because (with very few exceptions like Trichinella ), parasites spend a part of their life outside the hosts and have, like all organisms, particular requirements such as range of temperature, presence of water, etc....
(more specifically referred to as bioregionalization), has essentially come to mean that regions are defined on the basis of distribution patterns in living organisms. Most often this has been done using species of tetrapod vertebrates and vascular plants, with other studies considering other taxa, ...
Sequences of mitochondrial DNA (caxl; nadl), nuclear internal transcribed spactT 2 (ITS-2) and alternatively, ribosomal 18S rDNA were obtained and used as genetic markers for molecular identification and mapping of geographic distribution of the food and water-borne zoonotic parasites, Fasciola spp...