Um estudo de reviso sobre a Geografia e a Educao Ambiental nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamentaldoi:10.4025/bolgeogr.v41.a2023.e63118ACADEMIC dissertationsENVIRONMENTAL educationGEOGRAPHYGEOGRAPHY educationPRIMARY educationPRIMARY schoolsThe present research has as obj...
Trabalho Reprodutivo e Ensino de Geografia: Reflexes para a Abordagem do Tema nos Anos Finais no Ensino Fundamentaldoi:10.5212/rlagg.v.14.i1.0006SCHOOL yearELEMENTARY schoolsGEOGRAPHYCURRICULUMThe imposition of curriculum and educational guidelines in Brazilian formal education, ...
The methodology starts from the critique of the National Common Curricular Base, which is then confronted by alternative proposal. In the end, the general theoretical theses of the historical-critical conception of geography teaching are resumed, which underlie the propose...