3D Calculator Graphing functions and performing calculations in 3D Scientific Calculator Performing calculations with fractions, statistics and exponential functions Notes Explore online note taking app with interactive graphs, slides, images and much more ...
Para utilizar esta herramienta educativa tenemos básicamente 2 opciones. La primera es utilizarlo de formatotalmente online desde su página web, sin necesidad de descargar nada, aunque deberás disponer de conexión a Internet para acceder. La segunda esdescargar GeoGebra gratisdesde Softonic e i...
The web version is available online atautogeo.onlineand usually updated on every new release. This version can be downloaded and run offline as well atautgeo.online/off. Try the latest unstable version: Prerequisites, compilation, running and deployment ...
【GeoGebra:几何、代数、统计、微积分的免费在线数学工具】“GeoGebra | Free Math Apps - Get our free online math tools for graphing, geometry, 3D, and more” http://t.cn/R4GuWyu
Do something interesting - and math related - over summer. This is a great concept and if you (or your students) are under 18, there is still scope to do something like this in your local area. You can propose your own coding project for Google's Summer of Code - and get paid for...
- 终身存储 - 免费检索 - 免费推广 - 更多... - 搜索引擎 ISSN Print: 2068-3227 ISSN Online: 主页:http://ggijro.wordpress.com/ 分享: Displaying 1- 11 out of 11 articles 1| Page./1Go Using GeoGebra as an Expressive Modeling Tool: Discovering theAnatomy of the Cycloid’s Parametric Equat...
To evaluate the quality of the 3D models, we applied a quantitative-qualitative survey to descriptive geometry professors in Brazilian undergraduate courses, in which they could interact with the 3D models. The results indicated that the developed 3D dynamic models are adequate for online teaching ...
GeoGebra 网站别名GeoGebra 网站地址www.geogebra.org 网站类型教育文化在线教育 所属地区欧洲 更新时间2017-07-27 关键词GeoGebra,数学教学,线上教学 网站描述Discover math on , the home of our free online graphing calculator, geometry calculator, 3D calculator, spreadsheet, CAS, probability calculator and...
This paper aims to discuss the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) development by mathematics teachers (preservice and inservice) that participated in an online course for developing educational apps and puzzles with GeoGebra. Theoretical
【GeoGebra:几何、代数、统计、微积分的免费在线数学工具】“GeoGebra | Free Math Apps - Get our free online math tools for graphing, geometry, 3D, and more” http://t.cn/R4GuWyu http://t.cn/8FPstM...