3.2 Free DS4Windows Free controller and PC connection Program available in other languages ダウンロードGeoGebra Classic [JA] Tải xuống GeoGebra Classic [VI] GeoGebra Classic herunterladen [DE] 下载GeoGebra Classic [ZH] تنزيل GeoGebra Classic [AR] Unduh GeoGebra Classic [...
GeoGebra Classic allows users to create graphs as well as spreadsheets and a large number of other tasks that can be very useful both in the classroom and in everyday life. Thepowerful algebra systemalso helps to solve even very tricky math problems. For instance, itsgraphingtool enables you ...
GeoGebra (www.geogebra.org) 是一款适合于各种教育背景用户使用的动态数学软件。它将几何、代数、数学工作表 (Spreadsheet)、作图、统计、微积分以直观易用的方式集于一体。用户还可以通过 www.geogebratube.org 分享和使用由 GeoGebra 制作的交互学习、教学或考评资源。
软件网页版:geogebra.org/classic 软件下载:geogebra.org/download 官网资源:geogebra.org/materials 社区论坛:help.geogebra.org/ 2.GeoGebra版本根据软件的运行环境,分电脑版、网页版、手机版。各个版本的比较如下: 图片来源:icourse163.org/course/i 根据软件的版本,划分为5.0版与6.0版,其中,一般我们推荐5.0版...
There are two versions of GeoGebra that you can download for your Windows (11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP) desktop—GeoGebra Classic 5andGeoGebra Classic 6. If you wish to use a mathematical platform with astandard user interface, GeoGebra Classic 5 is the one you are looking for. ...
There are two versions of GeoGebra that you can download for your Windows (11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP) desktop—GeoGebra Classic 5andGeoGebra Classic 6. If you wish to use a mathematical platform with astandard user interface, GeoGebra Classic 5 is the one you are looking for. ...
Old GeoGebra versions download [v6-0-732-0] GeoGebra GeoGebraGraphing-Windows-Installer Antivirus 0 / 15 Version 6-0-732-0 Size 94 MB File Signature [v6-0-732-0] GeoGebra GeoGebra-Windows-Installer 0 / 15 6-0-732-0 94.4 MB Signature [v6-0-732-0] GeoGebra GeoGebr...
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manifests\g\GeoGebra\Classic\6.0.853 https://download.geogebra.org/installers/6.0/GeoGebra-Windows-Installer-6-0-853-0.exe Http status code: NotFound https://download.geogebra.org/installers/6.0/GeoGebra-Windows-Installer-6-0-853-0.msi Http status code: NotFound microsoft-github-pol...