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. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the Geologists of Serbia, Donji Milanovac, Serbia. Serbian Geological Society, Belgrade, 2014, 877-879Search in Google Scholar Appendix 1 Table A.1 The example of a first part questionnaire (translated in English), which was used for experts’ and visitors...
Digital elevation models (DEMs) play a significant role in geomorphological research. For geomorphologists reconstructing landform and drainage structure is frequently as important as elevation accuracy. Consequently, large-scale topographic maps (with c
FIG-Congress, Munich, 8-13 October 2006 Barnhart TB, Crosby BT (2013) Comparing two methods of surface change detection on an evolving thermokarst using high-temporal-frequency terrestrial laser scanning, Selawik River, Alaska. Remote Sens 5(6):2813–2837. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs5062813 ...
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