Manufacturer of laser power & energy meters, as well as terahertz meters and beam profiling cameras. Gentec-EO has helped customers make high-accuracy measurements since 1972.
Gentec-EO, available at LASER COMPONENTS, specializes in high-precision optical power and energy meters. Their advanced measurement solutions are trusted for laser characterization, research, and industrial applications. Discover their innovative product
如果选择热磁盘,则也可将外部 PCB 用作信号预期、放大和过滤。我们还可以在完整的探测器中集成一个 PCB。 查看产品 预期 使用外部 PCB 在 0.3 秒内通过小 UD12-70-H5 获得 0-95% 的信号。 放大 调整磁盘灵敏度,为采集系统获得电压。可将磁盘从 0.6 调至 2 V/W。 过滤 我们的 PCB 集成低通滤光片,消...
位于风景如画的加拿大魁北克市光学中心的Gentec Electro-Optics (Gentec-EO),在激光测量领域拥有悠久的历史和深厚的底蕴。自创立以来,Gentec-EO凭借五十多年的创新实践,为工厂、医院及实验室等场景提供了激光功率和能量测量的高品质解决方案,始终致力于满足客户的现在与未来需求。自1970年Gentec Inc.推出首款高重复率...
Discover the fantastic world of lasers and learn about laser beam measurement on Gentec-EO's blog.
Gentec-EO, a provider of laser beam measurement instruments, has announced a new measurement solution for high-power laser beams up to 50 kW. The HP100A-50KW-GD laser power detector was designed mainly for high-power laser and laser system manufacturers, factories that cut thick metal parts ...
这款多合一的检测器巧妙地将检测器和仪表与蓝牙连接 融为一体。体积小巧,但功能强大的 BLU 系列仪表具有蓝牙连接功能,因此无论iOS 还是 Android 系统的移动设备,安装 Gentec-EO BLU 应用,即可显示相关结果。需要在电脑上 ? 使用?只需插入内置蓝牙的接收器,在数秒内就能进行功率和能量测量!
Use our serial commands to communicate directly with the meter without using Gentec-EO's software. You can do so using a terminal emulator software, like PuTTY, or you can just integrate them directly into your own software. All essential functions of the meter are covered by a command. Refe...