The Raiden Shogun is a firm believer of what she believes to be eternity — a place in which everything is kept the same, regardless of what goes on. She is honorable in her conduct and is revered by the people of Inazuma. The Raiden Shogun exists in two forms — Ei, her true ...
Raiden Shogun 是一个 5 星角色,Lightning Elemental (Electro),使用长矛武器,她有很好的品质。它有助于为你的队友和你自己恢复能量,以及高强度的Burst技能(我个人认为是游戏中最酷的Burst招式)。因此,Raiden Shogun是一个5星级的游戏角色。有趣,快节奏,非常适合螺旋深渊。许多原神迷都知道,雷电幕府是雷神。
2.5 - Raiden Shogun (Electro) Reign of Serenity (Inazuma) 2.6 - Venti (Anemo) Ballads in Goblets (Mondstadt) (New Area Patch) 3.0 - Zhongli (Geo) Vago Mundo (Liyue) 3.1 - Venti (Anemo) Ballads in Goblets (Mondstadt) (Anniversary Patch) ...
So that’s the big caveat. On her own, Raiden Shogun is amazing. But she doesn’t play nice with the majority of the game’s roster, forcing you to play her in a certain way that isn’t exactly meta. She’ll likely only get better as more characters get added into the game, but...
Take a look at this Raiden Shogun guide for an overview of the weapons and artifacts you can optimally equip the Electro Archon and teams Raiden does the best job with.
Raiden Shogun is a five-star electro polearm wielder.She’s an incredibly powerful unit, capable of dishing out a dizzying amount of damage in both DPS and sub-DPS roles – in fact, the Raiden National team places her at the forefront of one of the strongest lineups in the game, and ...
Raiden Shogun's playstyle typically revolves around using herElemental Skilland then swapping characters. Ensure that herSkillis always active to triggerHyperbloom. Talents Priority ESkill>QBurst>NANormal Attack Most Used Build from the Community ...
The best build for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact, including her ideal weapons, talents, constellations, and more.
Raiden Shogun is the first limited 5-star Electro character in Genshin Impact. This Electro Archon has been generating hype among the fanbase ever since her tease in the 2.
Genshin Impact has released the third playable Archon in Genshin Impact, Raiden Shogun, also known as Baal, the Electro Archon. Unlike the other playable characters, the Archons are known as the gods who oversee the cities in Teyvat. Get to know the Raiden Shogun, her story, her talents,...