Genshin Impact 武器 不滅月華 最初的大魔術 冬極白星 千夜浮夢 和璞鳶 四風原典 圖萊杜拉的回憶 塵世之鎖 天空之傲 天空之刃 天空之卷 天空之翼 天空之脊 山王長牙 岩峰巡歌 息災 斫峰之刃 星鷲赤羽 有樂御簾切 松籟響起之時 柔燈輓歌 波亂月白經津 焚曜千陽 無工之劍 狼的末路 獵人之徑 白雨...
Ultimate Diluc Team Comp Guide in Genshin Impact 1/1/2025 Mizuki Unveiled: Genshin Impact’s Newest 5-Star Character 查看所有文章 伺服器計時器 每日重置基於您伺服器的時區,在凌晨 4 點(04:00)發生。每週重置也發生在每週一的凌晨 4 點(04:00)。 歐洲 (GMT+1) Daily Reset in -3H -56M -58...
Weapon Ascension Materials are Character Development Items used to ascend Weapons once they have reached their current maximum level. These materials can be categorized by their visual theme, day of the week, and region they are found in. Higher-quality
Weapons of the Blackcliff Series Sword Blackcliff Longsword Claymore Blackcliff Slasher Polearm Blackcliff Pole Catalyst Blackcliff Agate Bow Blackcliff WarbowSwordsCategories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Fantasy Genshin Impact ...
Sword Weapons IconNameRarityAtkSubValueWeapon AffixAscension Materials 無鋒劍 23.25loc_FIGHT_PROP_NONE 銀劍 32.93loc_FIGHT_PROP_NONE 冷刃 38.74Atk%7.66%對處於水元素或冰元素影響下的敵人,造成的傷害提高12%。 黎明神劍 38.74CrD%10.2%生命值高於90%時,暴擊率提升14%。
I’ll never understand the logic of BP weapons. You need to wait more than half a year just to R5 a single weapon? Lol just spend your money on a 5 star banner bro. They dumpster BP weapons at R1. This is like pay to lose. Mihoyo should just throw those weapons in the starglitt...
Genshin Impact FPS Unlocker[15] Using such a third party application to modify even a single byte in the game memory could be a violation of the game's Terms of Service. Still, after more than two years this has never been punished.[16] ...
Genshin Impact JSON data with a robust searching functions! Updated to version 5.4. Sources from the fandom wiki and GenshinData repo. Flexibly search and get the JSON data of characters, talents, constellations, weapons, artifacts, food recipes, domains, tcg, etc. ...
To unlock the full power of your roster in Genshin Impact, it is important to outfit your characters with the best weapons you can get your hands on. With the new Patch 3.0, there are even more new characters to collect, and each of them will require an appropriate new weapon...
Image via Genshin Impact wiki Tulaytullah’s Remembrance Ascension You have to ascend your weapons to unlock their full potential In Genshin Impact. Powerful 5-star weapons like Tulaytullah’s Remembrance are well worth the investment of resources. To get to the next ascension level,...