Weapon Ascension Materials are Character Development Items used to ascend Weapons once they have reached their current maximum level. These materials can be categorized by their visual theme, day of the week, and region they are found in. Higher-quality materials can also be crafted with Alchemy ...
Xilonen ascension materials – Genshin Impact You’ll want to quickly raise Xilonen’s level when you finally pull her, which means that you’ll need to farm her ascension materials. You’ll also require some material to upgrade her talents. ...
Related |Genshin Impact: Best Build for Ningguang In thisGenshin Impactmaterials guide, we will share the list of all materials required to ascend Ningguang to the max ascension level. Ningguang Ascension Materials Here are the materials required to ascend Ningguang to max ascension level. Ascension...
What are Cyno’s ascension materials? You can ascend Cyno all the way to level 90, but in order to do so you need to use a set of specific materials at certain intervals. Here are all of Cyno’s ascension materials: Here’s where to get each of Cyno’s ascension materials: Vajrada ...
Here are all of Genshin Impact Navia’s constellations: What are Navia’s ascension materials? You can level Navia all the way up to 90, but you need to ascend her at set levels along the way. Here are all of the materials you need in order to ascend Navia: ...
IconNameRarityAtkSubValueWeapon AffixAscension Materials 暗鐵劍 38.74EM30.6觸發超載、超導、感電、原激化、超激化、超綻放或雷元素擴散反應後的12秒內,攻擊力提高20%。 匣裡龍吟 42.4Atk%9%對處於火元素或雷元素影響下的敵人,造成的傷害提高20%。 黑岩長劍 ...
Weapon Ascension Materials You can get these from the Fontaine Weapon Ascension Material domain every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. This is not the same day you would farm Clorinde's Talent. This makes it easy to decide what to use your Resin on on a specific day. Mob Drops The Clockwork...
Pre-Farming for Sigewinne's Weapon Sigewinne's Signature Weapon is called “Pouring Heartstrings” and also requires a considerable amount of materials. To upgrade Absolution to Level 90, here are all of the materials you will need: Weapon Ascension Materials ...
Yun Jin: Ascension materials and constellations Yun Jin’s advancement to level 90 requires the following items: Prithiva Topaz Sliverx1 Prithiva Topaz Fragmentx9 Prithiva Topaz Chunkx9 Prithiva Topaz Gemstonex6 Damaged Maskx18 Stained Maskx30 ...
To upgrade Crimson Moon’s Semblance to Level 90, here are all of the materials you will need: Weapon ascension materials Goblet of the Pristine Sea: 5 Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea 14 Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea 14 Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea ...