The Genshin Impact manga tells the story of the past in the land of Teyvat. Here’s a brief summary of the manga according to the game’s official website: “Teyvat is a world blessed by the 7 Elemental Archons. Though the calamity the world suffered has ceased, and the lands have s...
Genshin Impact - The Boar Princess summary The Boar Princess is described in the game as "a story about friendship, love, and death." That last part comes on rather suddenly at the end. The story comes in seven volumes that canbe foundin Mondstadt. In this fable, there is a Boar King...
"Genshin Impact" Story Teaser: Gnostic Chorus - English Voice-Over Genshin Impact (TV Episode 2020) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Lastly, Dain warns the Traveler not to try overthrowing the gods of Celestia. Though he does not even like those gods, he doesn’t want the mistakes of his people to be repeated. This implies that the people of Khaenri’ah decided to rebel and overthrow the gods. In summary, the possi...
What's The Story Behind Genshin Impact? Here's the plot summary, direct from developer miHoYo: Teyvat is a world blessed by the 7 Elemental Archons.Though the calamity the world suffered has ceased, and the lands have slowly healed, peace has yet to be restored to Mondstadt...
Act VI - Bedtime Story Requirements: TBASummaryAct I - Prelude of Blancheur and NoirceurMain article: Prelude of Blancheur and NoirceurYou've learned many new things about the world and benefited greatly from your trip to Sumeru. What significance, then, will your next stop — Fontaine, ...
An incredible open-world and addictive exploration make Genshin Impact anime-zing adventure. Travis NorthupRead Review Summary In the open-world action RPG Genshin Impact, you are a traveler drifted from another world who has awoken in a new land. You will explore this wondrous world freely, ...
Wait a dang minute…Nahida has a new weekly boss? (Summary in Comments) If you haven’t noticed already, every archon has had a rerun four patches after their release. And all of them are back to back. Let’s take, for example the last two archon patches. ...
Num Objectives Summary Update #1 回須彌城見迪娜澤黛 #妳(你)們來到的酒館的後方。 #2 去老地方等待迪娜澤黛 #3 晚上在酒館外尋找哲瓦德 #4 前往「阿赫瑪爾之鬚」所在地 #5 前往「阿赫瑪爾之鬚」所在地 #6 衝破阻攔 #7 與伊德里西等人交談 Dialogues 回須彌城見迪娜澤黛 迪娜澤黛 Audio Langu...
Num Objectives Summary Update #1 抵達蒙德城 #2 與莫娜交談,準備與繼承者見面 #3 追上可莉,取回箱子 #4 與可莉交談,回收箱子 #5 擊敗來襲的草史萊姆 #6 與可莉交談,回收箱子 #7 陪同可莉,把箱子帶給莫娜 #8 與凱瑟琳交談,幫莫娜尋找住處 #9 前往魔法實驗室,查看封印 #10 與莫娜交談 ...