Fantasy Genshin Impact 1 comment StudioArik·6/1/2022 Can someone edit in Light Realm sigil? I'm pretty sure it's missing from the table while all the other event currencies from the Currencies page are listed here. Sorry I'm new to editing here & I just can't figure out how to...
Genshin Impact Guide – Genius Invokation TCG Card List and Locations At the moment, there are four ways that you can get cards for your deck. The first two give you character cards, while the second two give you the other cards. We will list down the Cards you can get for the Gens...
”“A Path of Value: Orderly Meadow,”“A Path of Value: Jade Field,”“Sub-Space Waypoint” from the Riches of the Realm. Exchange seeds and other materials obtained through the Seed Dispensary from the Creatures of the Realm.
Scarlet Sand Slate is a Gadget that is used to explore the Ruins of King Deshret. It is obtained during the World Quest Lost in the Sands. Despite its gadget categorization, it is found in the Quest section of the Inventory, cannot be equipped, and is re
Update 2.0 for Genshin Impact is shaping up to be the biggest update that the game has received to date, adding an entire new region, all-new characters,
The Seed of Stored Knowledge When the Shrine of Maya is unleashed and the Elemental Types of the party members are being tabulated, the count will add 1 to the number of Pyro, Electro, and Hydro characters respectively. The Root of All Fullness Opponents that are marked by Seeds of Skandha...
Mirror 2: Project X Lost Chronicles of Zerzura KAOS SurVival Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection Rocksmith Zorro The Chronicles Wing Commander: Privateer Zemblanity Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal: Pacific War Naval Warfare Call of Cthulhu: Prisoner of Ice AISZplus...