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Find every fish and fishing spot in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, and Natlan by Julia LeeUpdated Nov 21, 2024, 4:17 AM GMT+8 Image: Mihoyo via Polygon Part Of Genshin Impact guides and walkthroughs see all Julia Lee (she/her) is a guides producer, writing...
Vietnamese Giả Thuyết Vô Tội German Unschuldsvermutung Presumption of Innocence Indonesian Praduga Tak Bersalah Presumption of Innocence Portuguese Presunção da Inocência Turkish Masumiyet Karinesi Presumption of Innocence Italian Presunzione d'innocenza Change...
(Chat: Wangsheng Funeral Parlor) 私とお茶しない?えへへ~ Watashi to ocha shinai? Ehehe~ 世間話・お客さん (Chat: Customers) お客さんが一人、二人、三人… O-kyaku-san ga hitori, futari, sannin... 世間話・怠ける (Chat: Taking a Break) ...
Chahua (Chinese:茶花 Cháhuā, "Tea Flower") is an upcoming Dendro OC by Yanika. She is a talented tea maker in Liyue who hails from Qiaoying Village. Occasionally passing by Liyue's treats, she volunteers to assist in any teahouse within her home nation
Find every fish and fishing spot in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, and Natlan by Julia LeeUpdated Nov 21, 2024, 4:17 AM GMT+8 Image: Mihoyo via Polygon Part Of Genshin Impact guides and walkthroughs see all Julia Lee (she/her) is a guides producer, writing guides ...
Beidou (Chiński: 北斗 Běidǒu) to grywalna Electro postać w Genshin Impact. Beidou jest kapitanem znanej w Liyue załogi Crux. Poza jej zdolnościami jako kapitan floty i i ogromną siłą, wielu w Liyue zna ją również jako osobę
Captain of the Crux, with quite the reputation in Liyue.There are those who say she can split mountains and part the sea. Others say she draws lightning through her sword. Some say that even the mightiest of sea beasts are no match for her.For those not