(Genshin Impact) 类型:角色扮演 制作:米哈游 发行:米哈游 平台: PC Switch PS4 PS5 发售: 2020-09-15 ( PC ) 官网:点击进入 3DM游戏评测 8.5 已有2465 人评分,您还尚未评分! 7.6 《原神》是由米哈游自主研发的一款全新开放世界冒险游戏。游戏发生在一个被称作“提瓦特”的幻想世界,在这里,被神选中...
Developer miHoYo announced the open world RPG, Genshin Impact, is coming to the Nintendo Switch, alongside the previously announced PlayStation 4, Windows PC, iOS, and Android versions. The release date has been changed from spring 2020 to a date that has yet "to be announced."View...
Read More Rated T for Teen Platforms: PlayStation 4 iOS (iPhone/iPad) PC PlayStation 5 Nintendo Switch Xbox Series X Initial Release Date: Sep 28, 2020 Developer: miHoYo Publisher: miHoYo Genres: Action RPG Related Games Elden...
Genshin Impact – General Information Developer:miHoYo Release Date:28 September 2020 (PC, PS4, Android, iOS ) TBA (Nintendo Switch) Price:Free to Play Platforms:PC, PlayStation 4 (&Pro), iOS/Android, Nintendo Switch Cross-Save:Cross-save between PC and mobile platforms is supported. The ...
124.14元起 Nintendo 任天堂 Nintendo Switch 《健身环大冒险》299元起 乐来乐usb采集卡switch转HDMI视频ns器笔记本相机4k高清直播128元起 黑神话毛绒黑熊精挂件 棕黑色78元起 相关推荐 高清视频采集卡 采集卡 本文收录在 游戏配件 genshin impact/原神 京东自营 京东自营 游戏配件优惠好货...
The combat system in Genshin Impact is action-based, with players being able to switch between different characters on the fly to use their unique abilities and elemental powers. The game also features a system, where players can spend the in-game currency or real money to obtain new characte...
Nintendo 任天堂 Switch游戏卡带《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》 中文标准版262元起 Nintendo 任天堂 Switch系列 《舞力全开Just Dance》盒装版99元起 日版 任天堂 Switch NS游戏 超级马里奥派对 空前盛会289.89元起 Nintendo 任天堂 Switch Fit Boxing2有氧拳击2健身拳击2日版游戏卡带232.75元起 相关推荐 ...
Furina is a 5-star Hydro Sword character in Genshin Impact that can play the roles of an off-field support and a team buffer who can switch between Ousia and Pneuma at will to provide healing or damage to the team. Read our Furina guide to learn more about Furina's kit, Furina's be...
自 2020 年 9 月问世以来, Genshin Impact已成为游戏行业最受欢迎的游戏之一。虽然该游戏可在多个平台上使用,但尚未出现在 Nintendo Switch 上。最近没有任何关于游戏登录 Switch 的Genshin Impact公告导致大多数玩家怀疑游戏是否会在这个平台上发布。除了 2020 年初的 YouTube 预告片外,几乎没有关于游戏 Switch ...
name='point_switch1.6.8', debug=False, bootloader_ignore_signals=False, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], runtime_tmpdir=None, console=False, disable_windowed_traceback=False, argv_emulation=False, target_arch=None, codesign_identity=None, entitlements_file=None, icon=['ico.ico'], )...