Talent Leveling Materials Constellations Ascensions costs Xiangling Wishes / Availability Character Appearance Xiangling Element / Tier / Rarity / Weapon Pyro / S Tier / 4* Rarity / Polearm In Genshin Impact, Xiangling is a strong Polearm-wielding Pyro user who has one of the fastest att...
Leveling up weapons is necessary to increase their stats and in turn, improve your character’s damage output. You can level up weapons by using Enhancement Stones or other weapons you don’t use, preferably 1-star or 2-star weapons you can commonly find in chests. The amount of EXP the...
Genshin Impact Guide – Genius Invokation TCG Card List and Locations At the moment, there are four ways that you can get cards for your deck. The first two give you character cards, while the second two give you the other cards. We will list down the Cards you can get for the Gens...
That Level Up button is your primary way of leveling a character. Battles may give some experience, but that’s like using a dropper to fill a bucket. It’ll takeyearsto get to level 90 just by battling. Clicking the button brings up a menu. You have a choice of three EXP books: W...
Talent Leveling Materials Constellations Ascensions costs Ganyu Wishes / Availability Ganyu Character Appearance Ganyu Element / Tier / Rarity / Weapon Cryo / SS Tier / 5* Rarity / Bow In Genshin Impact, Ganyu is a Cryo Bow user who is different than most Bow users, in that her Charged Shot...
All Furina level-up, talent, & ascension materials in Genshin Impact Furina Level-up cost Prepare the following resources to level Furina up to 80 or 90. I recommend pushing characters who scale off Elemental Mastery to level 90 and taking your time leveling other characters slowly. ...
We recommend leveling up Fischl’s talents in the following order: Elemental skill > Elemental burst >> Normal attack Before committing to leveling her talents, make sure youget Fischl to level 90to maximize her potential. That’s everything you need to know about Genshin Impact’s Fischl. ...
Beginner’s guide and exploration tips –You’re probably just starting your adventure in Genshin Impact‘s world of Tevyat. Here are some tips for newbie adventurers. Early-game quests –Here are some early-game quests in Genshin Impact. Character leveling and EXP Boosts –As is the case ...
Being a free game and a rich one at that, the Genshin Impact Gacha system is a way for the devs to monetize the game. This is also how you earn extra gear to equip or use as leveling up material. However, the more interesting bit is how you can unlock playable characters here. ...
Genshin Impact Artifact Guide: Leveling, Stats, and Priorities Source Unlike most other RPGs, equipment in Genshin Impact doesn’t come in the form of armor with varying material grades. Instead, it’s separated into five distinct Artifact slots. Each Artifact provides a primary “main stat”...