Genshin Impact, le jeu de rôle d’action en monde ouvert, arrive enfin sur Xbox Series X|S et Xbox Cloud Gaming dès aujourd’hui, avec la version 5.2 « Broderie d’esprit et de flamme ». Les voyageurs peuvent désormais commencer ou poursuivre leur voyage dans le monde de Teyvat...
Référence à l’alcool, Violence fictive Achats intra-jeu (y compris divers articles), Les utilisateurs interagissent Avis « Genshin Impact » Avantages PlayStation®Plus Avis global des joueurs 4.38Évaluation moyenne de 4.38 étoiles sur cinq basée sur 122 évaluations ...
The game is nearly perfect, but the inclusion of gacha elements detracts from the overall experience imo, otherwise, Genshin Impact is a really good anime rpg with an interesting story, beautiful art style and graphics, as well as a fantastic soundtrack. Report PlayStation 4 7 Caeruleus_...
Story Teaser- Echoes of the Heart - Genshin Impact January 22, 2023 Fleeting like transient clouds, adrift like floating weeds.The gentle stream trickles by, cleansing fallen dust.Cloud Retainer - Stephanie PaniselloStreetward RamblerBonanus Bosacius Cloud Retainer Guizhong Indarias Madame Ping ...
Avis « Genshin Impact » Avantages PlayStation®Plus Avis global des joueurs 4.75Moyenne des avis : 4.75 étoiles sur 5 (220 avis) 220 avis 90 % 3 % 2 % 0 % 4 % Informations sur le jeu et mentions légales Achetez ce produit et recevez les objets suivants en jeu dans Genshin...
Wonders of the World contains Achievements related to all aspects of Genshin Impact. Most of the achievements in this category are hidden and are only shown once the player has completed them. More achievements are added to Wonders of the World in most versions, and there is no reward for...
Lesluckys There's these dummy things that can kinda resemble mannequins? Not sure if that would be considered in this category, just in case. 1 comment | Add comment Gross Does someone vomit? 102 supporters Yes 15 No 46 7 goddesseniripsa In Bennet's side story, it is implied that his...
7 Les fumées blanches HOYO-MiX01:58 8 Songe de la plus haute tour HOYO-MiX01:56 9 Magick Without Tears HOYO-MiX02:11 10 Veiled in Shadows HOYO-MiX01:40 11 Narcissus Without Water HOYO-MiX02:36 12 Ordeals, Rituals, Laws HOYO-MiX02:36 ...
Ik Genshin Impact has one of the most hated fanbase of all time and some people throw hate on 'the game' without even trying it. Yep it's a gacha game and it's made for wasting your money if you're not patient. Yep it's a waifu and husbando collection game if you're not me....
LeSot 3 years ago Possible category? 7 Graphene_ 3 years ago ND606 3 years ago Category Idea: Katheryne to Katheryne-Liyue to Inazuma 0 SilverShroud 3 years ago Category Idea: Spiral Abyss 3 SilverShroud 3 years ago Cnolii 3 years ago Question about Wish RNG in Adventrue rank category ...