In Genshin Impact, Klee uses her bombs to set up Pyro reactions as they explode over and over again. While this allows her to knock back enemies, her short attack requires precision and can lead to unwanted placements. Either way, she excels as a DPS when her Pyro skills are boosted. ...
Genshin Impact Character Hub Genshin Impact Character Tier List Bennett Character Guide Eula Character Guide Klee Character Guide Albedo Character Guide Kaedehara Kazuha Character Guide Mona Character Guide Venti Character Guide Kamisato Ayato Character Guide ...
Genshin Impact guide: Klee’s best weapons, artifacts, and talents Since we’re discussing various facets regarding Klee’s build in Genshin Impact, you can refer to the pages below for the parts that you need help with: Klee’s best weapon Klee’s best artifact sets Klee’s talent prior...
Unlock Klee's full potential as a Pyro Catalyst user in Genshin Impact. Explore the Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Skills and Talents in our comprehensive Klee build guide.
Ultimate Diluc Team Comp Guide in Genshin Impact 1/1/2025 Mizuki Unveiled: Genshin Impact’s Newest 5-Star Character 查看所有文章 伺服器計時器 每日重置基於您伺服器的時區,在凌晨 4 點(04:00)發生。每週重置也發生在每週一的凌晨 4 點(04:00)。 歐洲 (GMT+1) Daily Reset in 6H 6M 19S Week...
Genshin Impact's Klee is the adorable Spark Knight of Favonius, and our build guide lays out the best weapons and artifacts for her.
Kleeis a character from the Mobile GameGenshin Impact. They have been indexed as女性 孩子 with 橙色 eyes and 金发 hair that is 齐肩 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别女性 眼睛的颜色橙色 头发颜色金发 头发长度齐肩 Apparent Age孩子 猫耳Elf
Genshin Impact guides, theorycrafting, and help. Learn about the best builds, artifacts, weapons, teams, and more. Join the KQM Discord!
Genshin Impact Klee Cute Backpack TheGenshin Impactstore has a good selection of cosplay items, but buying clothes for other people is hard enough as it is, without adding the costume aspect to it. ...
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