Shrines of Depth, adventure rank rewards, the traveler’s journal, events, crafting artifact strongboxes, and more also provide you with handy random pieces, but if you want a specific set, you’ll need to farm certain domains or bosses until you get the ones you want. After you’ve ...
Fantasy Genshin Impact 4 comments Mafuyuplushie·11/30/2023 PLEASE ADD NEUVILLETTE View more replies ~ReshikuFox~·2/1/2024 i'm really sure he'll add, man i can't wait for this, when i'm out of resins, i definitely play it if he is out, i guess it's 4.5 PLS COME OUT ...
Talent Level Increase refers to the increase in the level of Combat Talents due to external factors outside of leveling the Talent such as other Talents, Constellations, or Event Bonuses. The maximum potential talent level is stated to be 15; however, th
Chiori is a character whose existence was first hinted at in Kirara’s voice lines in Genshin Impact Version 3.7. Originating from Inazuma, Chiori is currently known to run a clothing shop named “Chioriya Boutique” in Fontaine. Despite the community’s curiosity about her, little is known a...
Furnishing Sets are sets of Furnishings that can be placed together in the Serenitea Pot. Furnishing Blueprints are required to place a set. All furnishings in the set must be in the Inventory before it can be placed. If the player attempts to move a fur
In Inazuma, the water possesses a depth of flavor unlike any other. Sumeru's water, meanwhile, has a rich and complex flavor profile, but it must be savored patiently to fully appreciate it. Chat: Melusines Melusines are beautiful creatures. They are the pride of Fontaine. Be sure to ...