Bennett is a great healer, but since he can not cap your health, you are effectively playing in a relatively low HP team, so you need to be aware of that when it comes to mechanics. While this team has no Geo Construct, it can still work fine. C1 alleviates this, as it lets Chior...
Will slash at nearby opponents at intervals, dealing AoE Geo DMG based on Chiori's ATK and DEF. While active, if there are nearby Geo Construct(s) or Geo Construct(s) are created nearby, an additional Tamoto will be summoned next to your active character. Only 1 additional Tamoto can be...
His Elemental Skill can create a Stone Stele that causes AoE Geo DMG too. Zhongli is Genshin Impact’s supreme husbando and that’s a fact. That’s why he deserved the second position on this Top. 1. Xiao Image View Gallery We’re finally here! We present to you everyone’s favourit...
Update: Genshin Impact 1.4 update is live, patch notes available The v1.4 update is now live for Genshin Impact, bringing along the much-awaited repeat of the Venti banner. Mihoyo is also giving users a cool 600 Primogems, so you can try your luck on the Venti banner. Venti is the be...
A House Ill-Founded Cause the same Geo Hypostasis to fall three times by destroying the Basalt Column that it is on. Yes Boss 1.3 5 None Stand Secure Force the Geo Hypostasis into its revival state without destroying any Basalt Columns. Yes Boss 1.3 5 Back With the Wind Absorb at...
Ushi is considered a Geo construct and Arataki Itto can only have 1 Ushi that he himself has deployed on the field at any one time.Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil! Arataki Itto Elemental Burst ATK Bonus 57.6% ATK SPD Bonus 10% Duration 11 CD 20s Energy Cost 80 Time to show ’...
He also has a better kit overall and Noelle struggles more with energy recharge than Zhongli does due to her not having a construct that can deal damage and generate geo particles. Can Noelle heal other characters? Noelle can heal herself and other characters while her elemental skill “...
Albedois a limited five-star character inGenshin, with a simple and powerful kit at his disposal. He’s a Geo sub-DPS that deals high off-field Geo damage and regenerates energy for allGeo party members. As an off-field damage dealer who provides utility through his Geo construct, Albedo...
Elemental skill:Abiogenesis: Solar IsotomaCreates a geo construct called a Solar Isotoma which deals AoE geo damage on appearance. When opponents within the Solar Isotoma take damage, generate Transient Blossoms that deal AoE geo damage based on Albedo’s defense. Solar Isotoma can only generate...
Ushi is considered a Geo construct and Arataki Itto can only have 1 Ushi that he has deployed on the field at any one time. Elemental Burst Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil! For a time, Itto lets his inner Raging Oni King emerge, using his Oni King's Kanabou in battle. This ...