Go fishing in Genshin Impact and get some new decorations and weapons for your trouble! This Genshin Impact how-to guide details everything you need to know about the fishing system, including bait and how to get it and which fish you can expect from each locat...
First, let’s cover how you get each of the seven bait recipes inGenshin Impact. The first type, Fruit Paste Bait, is given to you organically during the World Quest that unlocks fishing —” Exploding Population.” If you’re a new Traveler of Teyvat, note that you’ll receive this ...
real-life hobby, you need to use bait. When it comes to Genshin Impact fishing bait, there’s a range that you can use, though it all needs crafting via a craft table. Moreover, each type attracts different Genshin Impact fish, so bear that in mind when choosing which bait to use....
Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait 赤糜餌 Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait 蠕蟲假餌 Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait 飛蠅假餌 Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait 熒草餌 Fishing, Fishing Bait 甘露餌 Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait 酸桔餌 Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait 維護機關...
You can trade fish in for better bait recipes and fishing rods to members of the Fishing Association, and you can use them in cooking. You can also use the fish to grab some good free-to-play weapons, like The Catch polearm and the End of the Line bow. Genshin Impact fishin...
Each recipe will yield ten bait and you need to craft them at an Alchemy Table. Related: Genshin Impact: Every Playable Character's Age, Height, And Birthday Fishing Locations In Mondstadt Northern Mondstadt has seven fishing locations in total. You'll find two around Brightcrown Mountains, ...
Genshin Impact Fishing There are many different fishing spots, types of fish, bait and fishing rods now in Genshin Impact. You can also get many things like blueprints and different material in return of fish. You can also cook it and consume it as food!
Genshin Impact 2.1 has introduced fishing, which means a variety of breeds of fish, and fishing spots can be found all over the map. It will be difficult to randomly track them down just by running around, so in this guide, we will be showing you where to find all the fishing spots ...
Ingredient, Processing Ingredient, Fishing, Fish Rarity Ornate Variant 赤魔王 Related Monster 赤魔王 Attracted by Bait 赤糜餌 Item Source (Ingame) 釣魚獲得 Description 外表兇惡、表裡如一的兇猛棘魚,為了爭搶食物牠們不忌諱攻擊任何水下生物,是令人生畏的赤色悍匪。與生俱來的火紅表皮似乎與火元素有著千...
the update is the addition of fishing. You can now head over to Katherine at the Adventurer's Guild in Mondstadt and she will direct you to Nantuck, who canteach you the fishing skill. After this, you can gain access to all kinds of interesting rewards by crafting bait and catching ...